Search query: job

The Noob Guide To Online Marketing [Infographic]

The Noob Guide To Online Marketing [Infographic]

Marketing your product, service or website is a tougher task than most people realize.  Here on Bit Rebels, we are constantly monitoring the statistic ...
iPad 2 Window: Put An Outside View Wherever You Want

iPad 2 Window: Put An Outside View Wherever You Want

It's not an understatement to say that the iPad 2 had quite a successful demo launch.  First we saw Steve Jobs demo it, which in itself is a huge plus ...
The History Of Mobile Operating Systems [Infographic]

The History Of Mobile Operating Systems [Infographic]

I remember back in 1996 when nobody even knew what a mobile operating system was. I had just graduated from University and moved to Atlanta that year ...
A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

Being a social media manager sounds so glamorous, doesn't it? For anyone who is a twitterholic, it translates to, "I can finally get paid to tweet!" ...
Ultimate Showdown: Web Designer vs. Web Developer [Infographic]

Ultimate Showdown: Web Designer vs. Web Developer [Infographic]

Everyone that's involved in website design and developing knows that there are two very different jobs involved with it.  First, we have the more artf ...
Personalize A Song For Your Loved Ones

Personalize A Song For Your Loved Ones

One of my favorite things to do at work is create applications which will allow people to engage with friends and loved ones.  This particular one is ...
The Evolution Of Video Game Controllers [Infographic]

The Evolution Of Video Game Controllers [Infographic]

Ahh... video game controllers. If you are like a lot of geeks, you can graph your life based on what video games you played at the time. I remember be ...
Mind Twisting Art: Cartoons Mixed Into Classic Paintings

Mind Twisting Art: Cartoons Mixed Into Classic Paintings

There's a cartoon world, and there's a real world. Cartoons are supposed to stay in the cartoon world, don't you think? Whenever I see them branch o ...

8 Ways Twitter Can Make You A Better Person

I enjoy being on Twitter.  I am on that site all the time.  I started using Twitter in 2008, and I have seen firsthand its tremendous growth.  I remem ...
Super Mario Bathroom: Expect Your Stay To Be Extensive

Super Mario Bathroom: Expect Your Stay To Be Extensive

There are plenty of tutorials out there that show you how to geekify just about anything.  To Super Marionize something is considered an art form in t ...
Computers: An Awesome Chronological Timeline [Infographic]

Computers: An Awesome Chronological Timeline [Infographic]

If you are a geek then you know it is absolutely necessary for you to at least know some things when it comes to computers.  For example, if you don't ...
5 Lessons To Learn When Leaving Your Comfort Zone

5 Lessons To Learn When Leaving Your Comfort Zone

I recently left home, and now I live approximately 8,900 miles away.  I know from experience this kind of change takes a lot of adjusting.  When I dec ...
iPhone Nano Mockup Design: Apple’s Got Balls After All

iPhone Nano Mockup Design: Apple’s Got Balls After All

We've all been reading about the iPhone Nano rumors for a while. Since it's referred to as the "cheaper version" of the iPhone, I thought the rumors ...
Turn A Boring IKEA Table Into A Kick Ass Lego Table

Turn A Boring IKEA Table Into A Kick Ass Lego Table

I stopped shopping at IKEA years ago. Their furniture is kind of like Ramen Noodles. It is fabulously awesome during a certain phase of life, but af ...
Are You Secretly A Slacker? [Infographic]

Are You Secretly A Slacker? [Infographic]

Today I read something that someone sarcastically wrote in the news that read, "Americans are just a bunch of slackers." I paused for a moment to thi ...
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