Search query: legal

Is Phone Hacking Illegal? – Protect Your Phone From Hackers

Is Phone Hacking Illegal? – Protect Your Phone From Hackers

Is hacking illegal? According to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, this law prohibits access to someone's computer without authorization. It is an inv ...
Legal Ways How You Can Earn On The Internet

Legal Ways How You Can Earn On The Internet

Remote work, a huge salary, a lot of free time – isn’t it a dream? Nowadays, working from home is not new. However, if it is so simple to organize, wh ...
Top Legal Restrictions On Cryptocurrencies Worldwide

Top Legal Restrictions On Cryptocurrencies Worldwide

Today, parallel with technological development, countries' economies develop even more rapidly. Every phase of the technology is getting enhanced at a ...
5 Innovations In Legal Business

5 Innovations In Legal Business

After a long period of unwillingness to take advantage of new technologies, the legal profession is finally catching up. Inefficient workflows have no ...
Is Gambling And Playing Slot Games Online Actually Legal

Is Gambling And Playing Slot Games Online Actually Legal

With the law constantly changing its stance on gambling, it can be hard to tell whether you’re safe to dabble in a little slot machine fun or not. You ...
Industrial Hemp Legalization Is Disrupting Major Industries

Industrial Hemp Legalization Is Disrupting Major Industries

Industrial hemp is disrupting major industries across the world, from fashion and health to food and construction. All of a sudden, it seems like ther ...
Top 5 Free Legal And Financial Online Resources

Top 5 Free Legal And Financial Online Resources

Getting either a financial or legal education can be expensive and time-consuming. If you want the best of the best, a Harvard-level education is goin ...
Get The Best Candidates For Your Legal Job

Get The Best Candidates For Your Legal Job

You have a position available at your company, and you’re hoping to fill it in the near future. You want to make sure that you filter through all of t ...
Creating A Will Online – Is It Legal?

Creating A Will Online – Is It Legal?

The advancements in modern technology pave the way for various convenient processes, such as online shopping, wherein you no longer have to leave the ...
7 Legal EDC Gear You Might Want To Consider Buying

7 Legal EDC Gear You Might Want To Consider Buying

An Everyday Carry Gear is a set of items that should be with you every day, whether you’re walking, working, camping, or traveling. EDC gear should be ...
Is Marijuana Legal In Maryland? – Here Are a Few Things You Should Know

Is Marijuana Legal In Maryland? – Here Are a Few Things You Should Know

The legalization of Marijuana for medical use has sparked a lot of debates around the world. A lot of countries have been considering legalizing not t ...
What To Do If You Are Charged With Possession Of An Illegal Substance

What To Do If You Are Charged With Possession Of An Illegal Substance

The illegal possession of substances is when an individual owns drugs, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, or other tranquilizers without legal permi ...
Trends In Canadian Legal Cannabis In 2020

Trends In Canadian Legal Cannabis In 2020

Cannabis has been a controversial topic for quite some time.  Many countries or parts of them have legalized it, but many others still oppose it, whil ...
How To Legally Buy Marijuana

How To Legally Buy Marijuana

Now that marijuana is legal in almost every state, we are sure you want to know how to go about buying it. In many countries and states, you can only ...
5 Things To Help You Get Free From Illegal Drug Addiction

5 Things To Help You Get Free From Illegal Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is one of the worst things that can plague a person. The problem is in the fact that the addict is not the only person that gets destro ...
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