Search query: marketing

10 Simple Ways To Quickly Improve SEO Rankings [Infographic]

10 Simple Ways To Quickly Improve SEO Rankings [Infographic]

It's quite interesting how everyone who starts a new website sooner or later runs into something called SEO. In the beginning, it can be quite hard to ...
A Marketer’s Guide To Pinterest [Video Infographic]

A Marketer’s Guide To Pinterest [Video Infographic]

With Pinterest rapidly becoming one of the fastest growing social networking services ever, it's no wonder that we keep seeing new and exciting ways t ...
30 Fake Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavors You Want To Try

30 Fake Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavors You Want To Try

We've all seen the fake Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors every now and then floating around the Internet, but I wanted to create a whole big delici ...
12 Brilliant Business Card Ideas You’ll Definitely Remember

12 Brilliant Business Card Ideas You’ll Definitely Remember

Ever since social media has became a part of our daily lives, more and more companies are doing business with their online contacts instead of just pe ...
Mega Detailed Ghostbuster Proton Pack Replica

Mega Detailed Ghostbuster Proton Pack Replica

With the Ghostbusters franchise rumored to get a reboot (or is it), it's time for everyone to start creating some viral content for the Internet to su ...
How To Get More Pins & Repins On Pinterest [Infographic]

How To Get More Pins & Repins On Pinterest [Infographic]

I find myself coming back to Pinterest over and over again. It's like my entity needs to get a fix from it in the form of visual content and the inter ...
10 Very Clever Examples Of Sticker Advertising & PSAs

10 Very Clever Examples Of Sticker Advertising & PSAs

For the most part, there are two different kinds of stickers in the world. One is the cheesy kind that we're given as children which usually just end ...
Origami Jedi Master Papercraft Yoda

Origami Jedi Master Papercraft Yoda

I wrote a blog post the other day about how print designers are paper geeks. They are the Jedi Masters of appealing to the human senses of not only si ...
Illustration Intersects Two Careers: Illustrator vs. Industrial Designer

Illustration Intersects Two Careers: Illustrator vs. Industrial Designer

The use of illustration often crosses paths in the career of an illustrator and industrial designer, but there are key differences between the two car ...
Comparing Pinterest With Facebook & Twitter [Infographic]

Comparing Pinterest With Facebook & Twitter [Infographic]

I think we have all thought about it. I mean, now that Pinterest is becoming a new household name, there is little that wouldn't call for a comparison ...
The Age Old Question About Following Back On Twitter

The Age Old Question About Following Back On Twitter

Yes, I am one of THOSE people, I don't follow every single person back on Twitter. It's not that I think I am better than anybody else. That is not th ...
How To: Train Employees To Handle Your Social Media

How To: Train Employees To Handle Your Social Media

To those of us who are very active in social media, it may seem sometimes like it's been around forever. The very first social media site I ever signe ...
Email Overload: Should You Really Send That Email? [Infographic]

Email Overload: Should You Really Send That Email? [Infographic]

I have such a love hate relationship with email. I went through a time about a year ago when I'd go days without checking it because it was so annoyin ...
Interview Tips For Creating A Media Frenzy

Interview Tips For Creating A Media Frenzy

Do you want all your hard work to make connections with the media to go up in smoke for you and your brand? Can you afford for your PR team to spend t ...
Social Media Jobs Salary Guide [Infographic]

Social Media Jobs Salary Guide [Infographic]

If you are new to the whole social media scene, you are of course wondering if there is really anyone working in it, like for real. I can tell you rig ...
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