Search query: parent

Now Your Kids Can Be Creative Even When On The Go

Now Your Kids Can Be Creative Even When On The Go

I notice that my friends are always impressed with people who can draw.  Drawing comes easily for some people, while it takes others a long time to ge ...
Star Wars Characters In The Form Of Zulu Mask Design

Star Wars Characters In The Form Of Zulu Mask Design

I sincerely thought Star Wars couldn't reach into any other areas, but as I came across this find, I quickly realize that I shouldn't make assumptions ...
Fat Cookies: Get Your Cookies Delivered On A String

Fat Cookies: Get Your Cookies Delivered On A String

I have no idea how this is legal, but I like it. This just proves that if you have an idea, and you want to start a business, nothing will get in you ...
Crystal Bubble: See The World By Living Your Life In Transparency

Crystal Bubble: See The World By Living Your Life In Transparency

The world has some beautiful scenery to show us, if we're at the right place at the right time.  It's quite interesting that humans still cling to the ...
If You’re Too Busy For A Real Wife, Choose A Virtual Wife

If You’re Too Busy For A Real Wife, Choose A Virtual Wife

If you are a single geek guy, and you work a lot, you might think you don't have time for a wife. You might wish you weren't single, but at the same ...
The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

Martin over at NortHACKton gets the ultimate geek award this week for sure with his etch-a-sketch computer hybrid. According to his website, after se ...
Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

When I was growing up, my dad took good care of us.  He always made sure we had food on the table and clothes on our back.  I bet it is hard for some ...
This Family Unplugged For 6 Months & Lived To Tell About it

This Family Unplugged For 6 Months & Lived To Tell About it

Hmm... unplugging for six months? Are you kidding me? I can't even imagine unplugging for one week. I'm so connected to my online world that I sleep w ...
Most Children Learn Computer Skills Before Life Skills

Most Children Learn Computer Skills Before Life Skills

This is very interesting to me. It hits home because when I saw my sister and her three-year-old son a month ago, I noticed something that seemed a l ...
The Internet Is A Dangerous Place…

The Internet Is A Dangerous Place…

The Internet has become a prime target for people out to cause you harm and contact you with malicious intent. Organizations around the world are fur ...
LED Smiles: Turn Your Teeth Into a Mouthful of Technology

LED Smiles: Turn Your Teeth Into a Mouthful of Technology

I remember last month when I wrote about these LED eyelashes because they were wild and wacky, and you know how much I love the stuff that makes you g ...
When Disney Characters Go Horror Movie

When Disney Characters Go Horror Movie

It's a widespread known fact that Disney always puts a touch of grownup/adult hints in their movies. If I am not entirely incorrect, I think there is ...
HoloCube Is Seriously Going To Mess With Your Reality

HoloCube Is Seriously Going To Mess With Your Reality

Are you eager to try out a working hologram concept that will seriously mess with your sense of reality?  It might be a while until that happens in re ...
How Lazy Are We At Work? [Infographic]

How Lazy Are We At Work? [Infographic]

One reason I'm an entrepreneur is because if I worked for someone else, I'd probably get fired my first week. After all, I like to get on Twitter and ...
Old Tupperware Bowls Become New Retro Kitchen Lamps

Old Tupperware Bowls Become New Retro Kitchen Lamps

Do you remember back in the old days when people used to make Jello molds? My mother used to make those when we were young. She would put canned fru ...
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