Search query: saving

DIY Geektastic Pac-Man Calendar (Chomp Chomp)
This little homage to everyone's favorite classic 80s video game is so precious I just want to make my own this weekend. If you weren't around in the ...

The Beautiful Technological Approach To Infographics
Lately here on Bit Rebels we have started to publish some freakishly interesting and beautiful looking infographics that shows us, in a simple and und ...

The Costs Associated With Buying New Technology
After having a few generations of Android phones and pushing their geeky capabilities as far as I could, I bought a Verizon iPhone 4 the day they were ...

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women
A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...

AA USB: The Flash Drive That Doubles As A Battery
Energy consumption is one of the hottest topics in today's news. Pretty much every day we're seeing how the price for energy is skyrocketing. It see ...

Old Skateboards Become Magnificent Peruvian Art!
Sometimes I wish I had continued riding that second-hand skateboard of mine when I was a bit younger. Maybe I could have become the Tony Hawk of geek ...

Zombie Hoodie: Blend Right Into An Undead World
Not too long ago, every movie company in the world created a movie about zombies, the undead and what have you. Movie after movie was set in a large ...

Worldometers: World Statistics Updated In Real Time!
To my co-workers annoyance sometimes, I am an incurable statistics fanatic. Everything I do is presented in statistics in order for my brain to be abl ...

Used Computer Parts Become Realistic Vehicles
Being a computer geek, I have tons of used hard drives, mice and other items all connected to a computer. Due to the fact the upgrades are always inc ...

The Increasing Importance Of Optimizing Your Blog’s Images
Bandwidth consumption is a common problem for large websites attracting a large number of visitors. Whenever you experience a site that used to be fa ...
Our Beloved R2-D2: Dissected Into All His Geeky Parts
R2-D2 has always been my favorite astromech droid. If he was human, Artoo could have been the perfect man. He was brave, courageous, had a fun perso ...

Hose Cactus: Stunning Artwork About Drinking Water
Who would have thought that even a hose could be recycled into something so genuinely beautiful? The cactus is used to living in harsh environments w ...

How Old Newspapers Become D’Eco Art
The things you can do by just recycling stuff is only limited to your imagination. I have many times written about things that have laid dormant awai ...

John’s Phone: When Dumb Becomes The New Smart!
The speed at which we see new technology developing is getting ever faster. It's both inspiring and dangerous and the reasons for both are many. I a ...

Tunnels Encompassing: The Chair Of A Million Uses!
There are some inventors out there that have a different view on the world, and how we live in it. It's because of those inventors that we constantly ...