Search query: smartphone

Smart Homes: Better Lifestyle Or Invitation For Hackers? [Infographic]

Smart Homes: Better Lifestyle Or Invitation For Hackers? [Infographic]

There's a paradox in the way we live today. We want to live 'smart lives' in our 'smart homes,' yet we also want to do whatever we have to do to keep ...
Take Ergonomic Action And Stay Healthy While Using A Computer

Take Ergonomic Action And Stay Healthy While Using A Computer

The personal computer has become one of the most widely used productivity tools on the planet since its inception a few decades ago. It has become so ...
Does Microsoft Need To Let Go Of Bill Gates To Survive?

Does Microsoft Need To Let Go Of Bill Gates To Survive?

Beginning in the 1980s, and cemented in the 1990s, Microsoft became the dominant tech player in the computer industry, largely thanks to its Windows a ...
FeaturePoints: Earn Money And Rewards For Trying Free Apps

FeaturePoints: Earn Money And Rewards For Trying Free Apps

There are a lot of great apps out there for all smartphones on the market. However, few have the ability to make you money instead of you having to pa ...
Apple iPhone 5S vs. Samsung Galaxy S4 Comparison [Infographic]

Apple iPhone 5S vs. Samsung Galaxy S4 Comparison [Infographic]

This is an exciting time in the history of smartphones, and it's only going to get better. People often try to determine which is the best smartphone ...
Kids Today vs. 1980s Retro Technology [Video]

Kids Today vs. 1980s Retro Technology [Video]

When we look at how far technology has come since the 1980s, we can safely say that it's infinitely different than what it was back in the day. Kids r ...
Study Shows New iPhones And Samsung Galaxy S4 Are Not Very Durable

Study Shows New iPhones And Samsung Galaxy S4 Are Not Very Durable

If you are in the market for a new smartphone, durability might be on your list of things to consider. If you're an early adopter, you might not care ...
5 New Technologies To Help During A Zombie Apocalypse [Infographic]

5 New Technologies To Help During A Zombie Apocalypse [Infographic]

Just when I thought writing about the zombie apocalypse was soooo 2012, everyone's getting all juiced up for the 4th season of The Walking Dead, which ...
Whoa..The Insane Profitability Of Popular Facebook Games [Infographic]

Whoa..The Insane Profitability Of Popular Facebook Games [Infographic]

Whether you play Facebook games or not, I'm sure you are familiar with them. I prefer smartphone games to Facebook games, but I still get notification ...
LEGO Calendar Hangs On The Wall Yet Synchronizes With Google Calendar

LEGO Calendar Hangs On The Wall Yet Synchronizes With Google Calendar

If you work with many people in a busy office, you know it's tough to organize everything and everyone. Everyone has a different schedule, and people ...
7 Reasons Why Your Mobile Email Campaign Is Failing [Infographic]

7 Reasons Why Your Mobile Email Campaign Is Failing [Infographic]

If you plan to run an email campaign for the holidays, there is still time to get started. You can even access this Holiday Email Marketing Schedule t ...
The Ultimate iPhone Speed Test On Every iPhone Ever Made [Video]

The Ultimate iPhone Speed Test On Every iPhone Ever Made [Video]

I remember several years ago when the best smartphone on the market was the iPhone. Nowadays there are so many good options that you really can't go w ...
Smart Goggles From Sensics Is A Gaming Computer In A Helmet

Smart Goggles From Sensics Is A Gaming Computer In A Helmet

We have a computer in our pockets (smartphones), soon we'll have one on our arms (smartwatch) and one on our heads (Google Glass), so why not get one ...
The Artist Who Sent Handwritten Calligraphy Text Messages For One Week

The Artist Who Sent Handwritten Calligraphy Text Messages For One Week

I just wrote an article earlier today about smiley face emoticons and whether or not we're all really smiling when we send those. Maybe those smiley f ...
This Unique Notebook Will Let Your Analog And Digital Creativity Flow

This Unique Notebook Will Let Your Analog And Digital Creativity Flow

Now you can get your analog and digital mojo on at the same time. There is still something about an old fashioned analog notebook that is inspiring. I ...
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