Search query: social media marketing

How To Measure Your Content Marketing ROI [Infographic]

How To Measure Your Content Marketing ROI [Infographic]

Each time a new form of online marketing becomes popular, the question of ROI comes up. As a marketer, you know how important it is to calculate your ...
Improve Your Website SEO With Social Media Optimization [Infographic]

Improve Your Website SEO With Social Media Optimization [Infographic]

We've written a lot about SEO on Bit Rebels. We've written about it so much that if you have no experience in it at all, you could probably learn all ...
Evolution Of Marketing From 1960 To What We Know Today [Infographic]

Evolution Of Marketing From 1960 To What We Know Today [Infographic]

Social media and marketing go hand in hand. Whether you are marketing your personal brand, your business, or no brand at all, you are still making a n ...
This Is What Happens In Social Media In A Day In 2013 [Infographic]

This Is What Happens In Social Media In A Day In 2013 [Infographic]

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens during one day on social media and how profound it really is? It seems a lot of people do since there are ...
5 Ways To Help Keep Children Safe In Social Media [Infographic]

5 Ways To Help Keep Children Safe In Social Media [Infographic]

Almost all children in the industrial world have a digital footprint. One statistic I read said that in 2010, 92% of toddlers had an online presence, ...
How To Grow Your Business Using Content Marketing [Infographic]

How To Grow Your Business Using Content Marketing [Infographic]

The Internet is a vital part of any company's growth today. It has been said many times before, but in 2013 it's imperative for a company to be presen ...
The Monetary Value Of A Social Following [Infographic]

The Monetary Value Of A Social Following [Infographic]

How do you value your social media following? Some people say the ROI can't be measured, or it shouldn't be measured. The question is, why shouldn't i ...
5 Minute Guide To Getting A Job Working In Social Media [Infographic]

5 Minute Guide To Getting A Job Working In Social Media [Infographic]

Over the years, there has been a huge increase in the number of people who immerse themselves in social media. So many in fact that more and more peop ...
How Your Social Media Efforts Affect Search Ranking [Infographic]

How Your Social Media Efforts Affect Search Ranking [Infographic]

It's time marketers and brand owners realize the immense impact social media has on their search ranking. The way marketers and content creators use s ...
Social Media Managers: How To Explain Facebook Value [Infographic]

Social Media Managers: How To Explain Facebook Value [Infographic]

If you're a social media manager, you may spend a hefty portion of your time trying to convince your clients that Facebook can be a valuable part of t ...
Why Content Marketing Is At The Heart Of Online Success [Infographic]

Why Content Marketing Is At The Heart Of Online Success [Infographic]

Five years ago, if a company didn't have a website, they weren't taken seriously. Now it's almost unheard of for a company not to have a website. Two ...
10 Steps To Create Successful Content Marketing Campaign [Infographic]

10 Steps To Create Successful Content Marketing Campaign [Infographic]

One aspect of content marketing that makes it so appealing is that it forces marketers to place a lot of attention on the actual content. Many times w ...
How To: Create A Successful Business Marketing Video [Infographic]

How To: Create A Successful Business Marketing Video [Infographic]

If you are a regular visitor on Bit Rebels, you know we often write about brand new technology innovations when they are first introduced on crowdfund ...
This Is What A Modern Marketing Professional Looks Like [Infographic]

This Is What A Modern Marketing Professional Looks Like [Infographic]

The definition of 'marketing' today is miles away from what that word meant a decade ago. It's one of the fastest changing fields as marketing attempt ...
10 Examples Of Social Media ROI: Here’s The Evidence [Infographic]

10 Examples Of Social Media ROI: Here’s The Evidence [Infographic]

Although most marketers I talk to understand the reasons why their brands should have a social media presence, there are many who still don't understa ...
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