Search query: stress

Woman Discovers How To Live Happily Without Any Money

Woman Discovers How To Live Happily Without Any Money

What does it mean to be rich? Does it mean that a person has a lot of money? Does it mean having a big house with a lot of things in it? I know people ...
How To: Avoid Large Phone Bills When Traveling [Infographic]

How To: Avoid Large Phone Bills When Traveling [Infographic]

We all know that sometimes traveling can become a costly endeavor. If we forget to turn off roaming on our cell phone, we're pretty much screwed. Bill ...
Japan: A Nation Determined To Recover [20 Surreal Pics]

Japan: A Nation Determined To Recover [20 Surreal Pics]

It's hard to believe it's been three months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. The heartbreak continues, and there are still hund ...
High Speed Photographs Taken At The Moment Of Impact

High Speed Photographs Taken At The Moment Of Impact

High speed photography and video seem to be hot right now. Every day I see new collections of photographs making the rounds on Twitter. Just like with ...
Photography: Rare Photos Of The Great Depression

Photography: Rare Photos Of The Great Depression

In keeping with my plan to present one post with extraordinary photography to you each day, today I bring you some very rare photographs taken during ...
Relaxation Shopping: The Customization Of A Shopping Cart

Relaxation Shopping: The Customization Of A Shopping Cart

Anyone who has a household to maintain knows that shopping can not only be tedious, but it can also take up your entire evening if you're not careful. ...
5 Tips For Handling Failure

5 Tips For Handling Failure

We are overjoyed when we know of friends who are experiencing triumphs and successes in life. Whether it be with their relationships, work, or whateve ...
20 Bedtime Snacks To Help Make You Sleepy

20 Bedtime Snacks To Help Make You Sleepy

I read today that 70% of people have sleep problems. That number seems high to me; however, since high-stress lifestyles including crazy work schedule ...
Twitter Malware: A Complete Timeline [Infographic]

Twitter Malware: A Complete Timeline [Infographic]

You are using Twitter, right? If you have used the social networking service for a while, you are well aware of the hiccups it has had through its exi ...
Stop The Bullying: Apple Employees Show Teens Love

Stop The Bullying: Apple Employees Show Teens Love

Yesterday Richard wrote an article about teenage girls and their rooms. I remember how special my room was when I was a teenager. My Boy George poster ...
The Most Creative (or Stupidest) Resume Ever

The Most Creative (or Stupidest) Resume Ever

I know how stressful it is to put together a resume. As a matter of fact, that is one of the reasons I've been self-employed for over a decade. Screw ...
Pet Loc8tor: The Gadget That Finds Your Missing Pet

Pet Loc8tor: The Gadget That Finds Your Missing Pet

Most people I know who own pets, regardless if they are dogs or cats, treat them like family members. Whether the dog or cat is a fancy breed or a mut ...
Decoding Your Dreams: Every Dream Has A Message [Infographic]

Decoding Your Dreams: Every Dream Has A Message [Infographic]

Do you by any chance remember your latest dream? Do you have any clue what it might mean? There is a whole science out there that focuses on decoding ...
US vs. UK: A Freelancer Paycheck Comparison

US vs. UK: A Freelancer Paycheck Comparison

Being a freelancer can sometimes be very stressful, and if you don't keep up the discipline, you will find that your freelance career is quickly going ...
Interesting Facts About Your Sleep & Your Mattress

Interesting Facts About Your Sleep & Your Mattress

Is sleep important to you? I remember when I was younger, I could literally stay awake for days without feeling tired. I remained active even if I had ...
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