Search query: student

10 Places That Have Either Banned Google Glass Or Will Ban It Soon

10 Places That Have Either Banned Google Glass Or Will Ban It Soon

I'll admit that when I first heard about Glass, I wasn't overly thrilled. I couldn't understand how I would ever use it. But now that several of my so ...
Interactive Video Game Table Turns Eating Lunch Into A Game For Two

Interactive Video Game Table Turns Eating Lunch Into A Game For Two

When I first saw this video game table, the first thing that came to my mind was that it would be the perfect tool to entice kids to eat their vegetab ...
Custom 3D Printed Wrist Splint Can Help People In Undeveloped Regions

Custom 3D Printed Wrist Splint Can Help People In Undeveloped Regions

We love 3D printing here at Bit Rebels, and we've written about everything from 3D printed action figures to 3D printed body parts. The technology beh ...
New 3D Printer Has The Ability To Erase Printing Errors

New 3D Printer Has The Ability To Erase Printing Errors

The 3D printing industry is currently entering a pretty interesting stage. Ordinary printers went from being loud and slow to being quiet, fast and pr ...
DIY Functional LEGO 3D Printer Build Which Is Super Cheap To Make

DIY Functional LEGO 3D Printer Build Which Is Super Cheap To Make

Many innovations are born out of necessity, and this is such a great example. Most people who can't afford a 3D printer right now will be happy to wai ...
School Children Learn About Grammar From Celebrities On Twitter

School Children Learn About Grammar From Celebrities On Twitter

We all know that techspeak can hurt our grammar. 'Techspeak' is a word used to describe the shorthand we use in text, IM, emails, social media and mor ...
Guy Uses Language App To Digitally Propose To His Foreign Girlfriend

Guy Uses Language App To Digitally Propose To His Foreign Girlfriend

There have been many romantically geeky marriage proposals over the years. People seem to be getting more creative when it comes to how they ask that ...
Tech Used To Create Sweat-Resistant Fabric Eliminates Sweat On Clothes

Tech Used To Create Sweat-Resistant Fabric Eliminates Sweat On Clothes

Unless we're at the gym working out, sweat on clothes is just plain gross. There is nothing sexy about sweaty armpits that are leaking through on a sh ...
Space Saving Work Desk For Two That Transforms Into Large Dining Table

Space Saving Work Desk For Two That Transforms Into Large Dining Table

As living spaces get smaller around the world, creative space saving furniture and home decor is becoming more popular. I have a few pieces of convert ...
Wood Headphones Are A Refreshing Change (And You Can Burn Them)

Wood Headphones Are A Refreshing Change (And You Can Burn Them)

There are so many fancy headphone designs out there, but they all pretty much look the same. They're boring really, and when I saw these wood headphon ...
Solar Powered Wheelchair Design Complete With Smartphone Charger

Solar Powered Wheelchair Design Complete With Smartphone Charger

It seems like there is a solar powered concept design for just about everything today, and that even includes wheelchairs. This wheelchair design has ...
Is The Cost Of College Worth It & Necessary In 2013? [Infographic]

Is The Cost Of College Worth It & Necessary In 2013? [Infographic]

We've all read the inspiring stories of people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson who dropped out of school to pursue th ...
Innovative Shoe Attachment Generates Electricity When Walking

Innovative Shoe Attachment Generates Electricity When Walking

Everyone is trying to harvest energy as seamlessly and efficiently as possible. There are large innovations that power entire neighborhoods as well as ...
E-Ink Paper Notepad From Sony Ready For Release This Year

E-Ink Paper Notepad From Sony Ready For Release This Year

In a technology climate where seemingly everyone is trying to produce a flexible smartphone or watch, Sony has spent a lot of time on what they believ ...
Innovative 10-Pound Track Bike With 3D Printed Lugs Is Rideable

Innovative 10-Pound Track Bike With 3D Printed Lugs Is Rideable

There has been a lot of advancement lately when it comes to bike helmets, but today I'd like to feature an innovative bike. If you are a fan of track ...
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