Search query: student

TwitnicTable: The All Knowing Twitter Table Surface!

TwitnicTable: The All Knowing Twitter Table Surface!

The knowledge that is harbored by Google is probably the worlds most complete, but that doesn't mean it is the all knowing pool of answers. Humans st ...
New World Record: The Fastest Solar Powered Car

New World Record: The Fastest Solar Powered Car

At the University of New South Wales there is a Solar Racing Team (a student run non-profit organization) called Sunswift. Their main purpose is to d ...
The World’s Fastest Beer Dispensing Keg

The World’s Fastest Beer Dispensing Keg

I had a full academic scholarship which paid for my first two years at University, but after that, I was on my own. I managed to graduate without any ...
Twitter The Movie? Would You Watch It?

Twitter The Movie? Would You Watch It?

Did you get to watch The Social Network? I did, and I loved it. For those who have not yet seen it, it is a movie about how FaceBook began. It's ab ...
Kinect Hack: Minority Report User Interface Duplicated!

Kinect Hack: Minority Report User Interface Duplicated!

Not too long ago, it was considered the holy grail to create an exact replica of the movie Minority Report's awesome user interface. Until the Kinect ...
Swedish Cosplay Girl Takes Metroid’s Samus Beyond Cool!

Swedish Cosplay Girl Takes Metroid’s Samus Beyond Cool!

I remember when I bought my first Nintendo NES base station. I was overjoyed by being able to play the games that today have become iconic and legend ...
Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Earlier this week, I coordinated a luncheon to serve the homeless men and women in Atlanta. Because working with the homeless is a cause that is impor ...
The Biggest Fattest Monkey You’ve Ever Seen!

The Biggest Fattest Monkey You’ve Ever Seen!

What would you do if you had several thousand extra pairs of flip-flops lying around? You'd make a big 'ol fat monkey sculpture with them, right? Lo ...
Beautify The World: Rooftop Gardens On City Buses

Beautify The World: Rooftop Gardens On City Buses

It's such a wonderful feeling to know that we can do something to make the world a better place. As Richard and I have talked about before, many peop ...
Improve The Relationship Between You & Your Plants

Improve The Relationship Between You & Your Plants

Does music help your plants grow faster? It's the age-old question. Many farmers claim that music does have an effect on the growth of their plants. ...
Photography: Do You Have Big Enough Hands For This Camera?

Photography: Do You Have Big Enough Hands For This Camera?

It's not every day that someone decides something is too small, and they want to make it bigger, especially a lot bigger. I mean, today when everythi ...
iPads To Replace Textbooks In Some Schools!

iPads To Replace Textbooks In Some Schools!

If you are a parent like me, you know that sooner or later you will have an "I remember when..." story to tell your child. Of course, my mother's sto ...
Geeky Gear: 7 Back To School Must Haves!

Geeky Gear: 7 Back To School Must Haves!

When I was a child, I loved the first day of school. Even if i cried my eyes out because I did not want my mom to leave me there, I was still happy b ...
17 Year Old Builds Remote Controlled Lawn Mower

17 Year Old Builds Remote Controlled Lawn Mower

Do you remember when you were 17 years old, and you had a bundle of ideas locked up inside your head? All you could think about was whether or not so ...
Tweet Cred: How To Gain Respect On Twitter

Tweet Cred: How To Gain Respect On Twitter

Respect is one of those things that everyone wants, but few people get, especially in social media. On Twitter, it can be overwhelming at times to tr ...
1 49 50 51 52 53 55 765 / 814 POSTS