Search query: vehicle

iDrive: The Ultimate On The Road iPad Accessory

iDrive: The Ultimate On The Road iPad Accessory

I think everyone knows by now that messing around with a mobile device while driving isn't such a good idea. It's lethal people, so don't do it. The r ...
How To Make Parking Fun The Transformers Way [Image]

How To Make Parking Fun The Transformers Way [Image]

Are you sick and tired of parking lots being packed, and it literally takes you an hour to find an open spot? It's an insanely annoying feeling to cir ...
When A Citroén Looks Like This I am Getting One…

When A Citroén Looks Like This I am Getting One…

It's become such a stereotyped thing, but everyone knows boys like cars and girls like shoes. I know, it's pretty lame really that I even have to type ...
Lego Tron Bike: Enter The Age Of The Light Cycle

Lego Tron Bike: Enter The Age Of The Light Cycle

I often write about Lego here on Bit Rebels, and it never gets old, at least not to me. Usually it has to do with some grand and epic build which has ...
Lego Superheroes: Everything Looks Better In Lego

Lego Superheroes: Everything Looks Better In Lego

Today is one of those odd days that you wish was just normal. I woke up early and felt a slight pressure in my ear, but of course I didn't make much o ...
Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

We always hear about couples meeting on Facebook. Apparently Facebook is a very handy dating tool, and it seems like every week I read about how that ...
Expert Driving Techniques Everyone Needs To Know

Expert Driving Techniques Everyone Needs To Know

Remember when everyone used to ask for fun, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Then CNN, MSNBC and most of the other news websites published ...
Epic Lego Construction Is All Automated

Epic Lego Construction Is All Automated

Any epic Lego build is signed, sealed and delivered with a touch of creativity and uniqueness embedded into it. It's not always clear why something go ...
Wow! World’s Largest Model Airport Design

Wow! World’s Largest Model Airport Design

Since I'm on the Internet almost all day everyday, it's rare that I see something that impresses me as much as this does. On Bit Rebels, we've written ...
Star Wars Lego Sand Crawler Is Beyond Retro

Star Wars Lego Sand Crawler Is Beyond Retro

I have no idea why I get so enormously excited every time I find something that is created using Lego. Maybe it is because it's such a genuine and fun ...
The World’s Most Elaborate Lego Build Is Pushing Balls

The World’s Most Elaborate Lego Build Is Pushing Balls

Not too long ago, I wrote about how Lego builds are becoming extremely elaborate and complex; therefore, some pioneers are redefining the art of Lego ...
Corning: The Future Is All About Touchscreen Glass Infographics

Corning: The Future Is All About Touchscreen Glass Infographics

Through the years, we have seen technology companies come up with their own take on the future. The latest and most memorable one was from Microsoft w ...
Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

A while ago I wrote about the most Applified Mercedez Benz ever customized, and there were a lot of people who really liked the experience of that car ...
A Never Before Seen Look Inside An AT-AT Imperial Walker

A Never Before Seen Look Inside An AT-AT Imperial Walker

Of all the things unleashed into the world, Star Wars is probably the one thing that keeps us wondering about  technology the most.  We see the gear, ...
Photographer Uses Star Wars Toys In Amazing Photo Scenarios

Photographer Uses Star Wars Toys In Amazing Photo Scenarios

We write about photography way too little here on Bit Rebels, and when we do, it's usually something creepy, weird or just plain wonderful.  Personall ...
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