Search query: watch

Comic-Con Circa 1988: Take A Walk Back In Time

Comic-Con Circa 1988: Take A Walk Back In Time

I've had a blast watching all the tweets about Comic-Con this week. If you go Twitter Search and put in #ComicCon, you'll see a never-ending stream of ...
5 Reasons To Get On Google Plus

5 Reasons To Get On Google Plus

The latest buzz lately is all around Google Plus. I was very fortunate to be one of the first ones to get a beta invite, and it was quite easy to setu ...
Interactive Robot Torso: Now You Can Hug Yourself

Interactive Robot Torso: Now You Can Hug Yourself

Hugs are an important part of good health. You know that, right? Hugs help reduce stress, they lower blood pressure, and they even slow down aging. It ...
Sesame Street In Badass Beastie Boys Style

Sesame Street In Badass Beastie Boys Style

I can't get enough of this video. I grew up watching the Beastie Boys on MTV (back in the days when they used to play music videos). I'm sure it's no ...
Marbelous: The Most Fun And Creative Dinner Table Yet

Marbelous: The Most Fun And Creative Dinner Table Yet

During the chaos last week when I had to work from a crummy laptop, I had a lot of time since my dongle Internet connection was best at night and earl ...
Steampunk Mac Uses A 140 Year Old Typewriter

Steampunk Mac Uses A 140 Year Old Typewriter

There is a kind of magic in checking out all the steampunk stuff on the Internet. I don't know what it is about it, but I get this tingling feeling al ...
Amazing Video Of A Completely Deserted Los Angeles

Amazing Video Of A Completely Deserted Los Angeles

Having lived in Los Angeles for about 2 years, I know how crazy the traffic can get every once in a while. Well, now that I think about it, it's reall ...
NASA’s ’70s Promise: 10,000 People Space Station By The Year 2000

NASA’s ’70s Promise: 10,000 People Space Station By The Year 2000

It's amazing how inspired we can become from just watching the major developments in pretty much every area of research and development these days. It ...
Design: Harry Potter Characters On Classic Album Covers

Design: Harry Potter Characters On Classic Album Covers

As I've written many times before, I've never seen a Harry Potter movie or read any of the books. I don't have to. I spend my life online, and I'm bom ...
The Top Monstrous Slang Insults (Or Are They?)

The Top Monstrous Slang Insults (Or Are They?)

One of my favorite hobbies is watching my Twitter stream. I like to engage a lot on Twitter, but sometimes it's just fun to watch. I send on average a ...
Illustration: Classic Disney Animals Drawn As Humans

Illustration: Classic Disney Animals Drawn As Humans

Did you watch comics on television after school in the late 80s and early 90s? Do you remember Disney Afternoon? It was a two-hour block of cartoons t ...
The One Man Multitrack Star Wars Soundtrack

The One Man Multitrack Star Wars Soundtrack

After you have watched all of the Star Wars movies, you pretty much come to expect some kind of awesome soundtrack and original music from them. If yo ...
Voice Actors: The Voices Of Our Childhood Heroes [Epic List]

Voice Actors: The Voices Of Our Childhood Heroes [Epic List]

We all go through periods in our lives when we watch certain shows and series on television or in the movies. As kids we were amazed by the all the wo ...
Mind Blowing Ukulele Cover Of Billie Jean

Mind Blowing Ukulele Cover Of Billie Jean

One of the world's most hit song generating artists was Michael Jackson, and even though he died, there are still some expectations for the material M ...
Potterheads: Huge Harry Potter Cake With Special Effects

Potterheads: Huge Harry Potter Cake With Special Effects

Ya'll are going to think I'm really strange when I tell you this, but I've never seen a Harry Potter movie. The reason why is really quite simple. Sin ...
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