Search query: watch

WTF: Man Washes His Shoe With His Tongue

WTF: Man Washes His Shoe With His Tongue

Before you go any further with this article, I need to warn you that if you are easily disturbed by completely disgusting things, you should probably ...
How To: Get Jersey Shore Hair

How To: Get Jersey Shore Hair

Let me just go ahead right now and place a stupid warning on this article. After all, it's about Jersey Shore. It's the infamous show that everyone wh ...
The World Is Officially Obsessed With Facebook [Video]

The World Is Officially Obsessed With Facebook [Video]

There seems to be no end to the obsession of Facebook, and the many ways it keeps us glued to the screen are increasing. I don't find it odd that we'r ...
Photography: The Most Beautiful Snakes In The World

Photography: The Most Beautiful Snakes In The World

I've been finding some really neat photography lately, and it's quickly becoming one of my favorite topics to write about. When I saw this series of p ...
Retro Games Recreated: Gummy Bear Stop Motion Video

Retro Games Recreated: Gummy Bear Stop Motion Video

I remember writing an article a while ago about the Gummy Bear Chandelier, and I remember Diana and I discussing how much the thing would cost. We wer ...
6 Stages Of Movie Geek Evolution

6 Stages Of Movie Geek Evolution

Are you a movie geek? I thought I was a movie geek until I started writing for Bit Rebels. I realize now that I'm a movie lightweight. Here's a good t ...
Freaky Unicorn Sculptures: Let The Nightmares Begin

Freaky Unicorn Sculptures: Let The Nightmares Begin

Maybe I've been watching too many horror movies lately or not getting enough sleep. For some reason, I've been finding some really scary stuff online ...
How Americans Feel About The Osama Mission [Infographic]

How Americans Feel About The Osama Mission [Infographic]

I remember exactly where I was the morning of September 11, 2001. I was sitting on the floor of my living room with the television on. I was playing w ...
Soft & Fuzzy: Creative Felt Designs

Soft & Fuzzy: Creative Felt Designs

I love felt. I don't know what it is about it, but it's a great material. It's got the yin and the yang. It's soft, yet tough. It can be colorful or d ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
Stunning Slow Motion Video: Gelatin Cubes Jiggle Your Brain

Stunning Slow Motion Video: Gelatin Cubes Jiggle Your Brain

I've written before about how much I don't like Jello. Well, it's not that I don't like it; it's more that I'm afraid of it. It's like an abomination ...
Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue

Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue

The talent the girl in this video has with her tongue definitely gets the WTF award of the day. One reason surfing the Internet is so much fun for me ...
The Cost Of William & Kate’s Wedding [Infographics]

The Cost Of William & Kate’s Wedding [Infographics]

You can hardly go on the Internet today without being confronted with the royal wedding that took place yesterday. News reports estimated that there w ...
Trimensional: World’s First iPhone 3D Scanner App

Trimensional: World’s First iPhone 3D Scanner App

I remember the first time I watched Princess Leia tell Han Solo she loved him right before he was frozen in carbonite. For a geeky little girl like I ...
11 Buildings That Will Keep You Safe From A Zombie Attack

11 Buildings That Will Keep You Safe From A Zombie Attack

It seems like everyone is talking about them. We even watch every single movie about them. The game industry is taking them on like they were the next ...
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