Search query: watch

Domino Madness | Do you have the patience?

Domino Madness | Do you have the patience?

I am one of those that were never able to get rid of my fascination for domino's. And I don't mean the pizzeria now. Even though they are making some ...
Check Out Google Maps Navigation (Beta)

Check Out Google Maps Navigation (Beta)

I have two navigation systems in my car. Yep, two. I have a backup in case one fails. I have made a hobby out of getting lost. Since I’ve been kno ...
How To | Get FREE Cell Phone service

How To | Get FREE Cell Phone service

So, someone finally cracked the big one and is now probably going to get sued by the giant cell phone service companies and likes. I am sure they are ...

Build Your Own Wii in 10 Minutes

This post was inspired by my friend on Twitter @toad_mario. We would always talk about how he loved playing Wii.  So I decided to research and see if ...
SuperModels Take It Off for Climate Change

SuperModels Take It Off for Climate Change

Last 24 October, people in 181 countries came together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet's history. At over 5200 event ...
The Most Stylish Communication Tool of 2009

The Most Stylish Communication Tool of 2009

I did a double take when I first saw this tweet from @Kim pass through my Twitter stream a few days ago. I’ve seen and heard of many creative creatio ...

A Space Exploration Timeline

I’m fascinated with astronomy. I love studying space and the universe because it is awe-inspiring and offers such an energy of hope and promise for t ...
From Normal to Stylish Gadgets

From Normal to Stylish Gadgets

Who says that your normal everyday gadgets need to be simple and plain.  Wouldn't it be better to jazz them up a bit and make them a real piece of art ...
Travel To The Future | The First Time Machine

Travel To The Future | The First Time Machine

Like almost all great inventions, this one stems from the dream of a child. This is the story of a ten year old boy who watched his beloved father di ...
Windows 7 Burger!

Windows 7 Burger!

Microsoft just launched Windows 7 and getting a lot of buzz  thanks to Burger King!  I watched the 2 videos and man I love burgers but i don't think i ...
Measure Social Media | ROI

Measure Social Media | ROI

You always see the word ROI or Return on Investment on articles, and on twitter.  You always read about measuring your involvement or for some busines ...
SuperBowl Top 11 Funny Commercials in 2009

SuperBowl Top 11 Funny Commercials in 2009

Did you know that companies pay high price for commercials to be aired on the SuperBowl because of it's high viewership? In a report that came out las ...
A Tetris Video Game Made of Humans

A Tetris Video Game Made of Humans

If there is one thing I’ve learned from writing here at BitRebels, it’s that artistic expression comes wrapped up in all kinds of creative packages. ...
The Force Is Strong With This One!

The Force Is Strong With This One!

It's not everyday that someone stops you dead in your tracks and opens your eyes to what has always been there. Often thought as a crazy or part of so ...
The Most Popular Tweets on the Web

The Most Popular Tweets on the Web

If you have been on Twitter for quiet some time now you must already know what RT or Re Tweeted means.  Simply put 'ReTweeting' is a simple way of re ...
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