Search query: web design

Bug Fight Your HTML Email Code With These 16 Tips [Infographic]

Bug Fight Your HTML Email Code With These 16 Tips [Infographic]

There is a special feeling connected with receiving an HTML email. Your email software will most likely block any kind of graphics from it unless you ...
Speeder Bike Motorcycle Makes Star Wars A Reality

Speeder Bike Motorcycle Makes Star Wars A Reality

Every time I see a motorcycle drive by, I always think to myself how much cooler it would be if it could fly. I mean, they fly passed you like tomorro ...
These Matchstick Cookies Show Us That We Are All Connected

These Matchstick Cookies Show Us That We Are All Connected

The behind-the-scenes story of these matchstick cookies is a great illustration for new bloggers. I once saw someone tweet that every blog post comes ...
Stay Healthy: Avoid The Germ Zones During The Day [Infographic]

Stay Healthy: Avoid The Germ Zones During The Day [Infographic]

This is the time of year when the weather starts changing, and with that comes a lot of people who get sick with colds and the flu. It's tough when we ...
See Yourself Instantly: The Polaroid Picture Bathroom Mirror

See Yourself Instantly: The Polaroid Picture Bathroom Mirror

This is another one of those oldie but goodies that I dug up from the archives of the Internet. We write about Polaroid cameras so much here on Bit Re ...
Future T-Shirts Will Apparently Be Made Out Of Wood

Future T-Shirts Will Apparently Be Made Out Of Wood

One of the most popular things people buy online are t-shirts. There are countless websites on the Internet that offer cool, quirky, odd, cute, romant ...
Electrifying Miniature Cityscapes Created From Old Computer Parts

Electrifying Miniature Cityscapes Created From Old Computer Parts

What do you do with your old computer parts? If you like to mess around with your hardware, you probably have a drawer full of old circuit boards, spr ...
Fail To Succeed: 7 Iconic Successes Spawned From Failure [Chart]

Fail To Succeed: 7 Iconic Successes Spawned From Failure [Chart]

I thought I'd kick the Bit Rebels day off today with a little motivation and inspiration. We've all heard the phrase that we have to "fail to succeed, ...
CircleMe: Innovative Social Network Helps You Collect What You Love

CircleMe: Innovative Social Network Helps You Collect What You Love

Have you tried CircleMe yet? You might think at first glance, "NO...not another social network site," but when you take a closer look at CircleMe, you ...
Trendsetting Reversed High Heels Set Out To Horrify Women

Trendsetting Reversed High Heels Set Out To Horrify Women

After writing quite a few articles about all the weirdness in the world, and in some cases, the heels women wear to make their legs look longer, I hav ...
How Apple’s iPhone Announcements Affect The Stock [Infographic]

How Apple’s iPhone Announcements Affect The Stock [Infographic]

By now the excitement, and for some people, frustration has died down since Apple's iPhone announcement about the iPhone 5. Some people are still tryi ...
iPhone 5 Review: What’s Really New? [Infographic]

iPhone 5 Review: What’s Really New? [Infographic]

Yesterday I tried to get a more in-depth perspective of what the iPhone 5's impact might be on the smartphone market. It's easy to draw your own concl ...
10 Sarcastic Ways To Make Infographics Impressive [Infographic]

10 Sarcastic Ways To Make Infographics Impressive [Infographic]

Infographics are still going strong around the web, and even though you might roll your eyes when you see them over and over, the fact is, infographic ...
Email Apnea: Do You Hold Your Breath When On Email? [Infographic]

Email Apnea: Do You Hold Your Breath When On Email? [Infographic]

This is so fascinating to me. I remember a few months ago, I specifically noticed that many times when I'm on my computer concentrating, I stop breath ...
The Bread Toaster That Burns The Weather Forecast On Your Toast

The Bread Toaster That Burns The Weather Forecast On Your Toast

We've seen a lot of bread toasters and creative toast art over the past year. I never realized until I started writing about it a while back that ther ...
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