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5 Minute Guide To Getting A Job Working In Social Media [Infographic]

5 Minute Guide To Getting A Job Working In Social Media [Infographic]

Over the years, there has been a huge increase in the number of people who immerse themselves in social media. So many in fact that more and more peop ...
3D Laser Scanning Technology Maps Interior & Exterior Of Buildings

3D Laser Scanning Technology Maps Interior & Exterior Of Buildings

Google brought us maps, street view and then later 3D maps. With the help of quite sophisticated camera technologies and satellites, Google has been a ...
Things You Need To Know Before Your Next Job Interview [Infographic]

Things You Need To Know Before Your Next Job Interview [Infographic]

Getting a job interview scheduled can be a challenge, but nailing it once you've got it is a whole different thing. It's just one of life's necessary ...
New Television Service Allows Viewers To Touch Virtual Objects

New Television Service Allows Viewers To Touch Virtual Objects

The virtualization of the world is constantly moving forward. New concepts are announced each day, and you can tell that the second coming of the virt ...
Twitter Lists: Resurrecting The Awesomeness Of Twitter [Infographic]

Twitter Lists: Resurrecting The Awesomeness Of Twitter [Infographic]

It has been a while since I did a piece about Twitter. It's the one social networking service that we have the largest following on, and it's a shame ...
How Lighting Or A Song In A Coffee Shop Can Initiate Mobile Malware

How Lighting Or A Song In A Coffee Shop Can Initiate Mobile Malware

As technology gets more sophisticated, hackers fine-tune the ways they are able to access our personal information. I consider myself to be up-to-date ...
Smartphone Controlled Smart Lock Digitizes Your Home Security

Smartphone Controlled Smart Lock Digitizes Your Home Security

One of the most important aspects of your safety is your home security. Not only is it vital for you, but it also keeps your stuff safe when you're no ...
14 Signs That You Love Your Job…Or Not [Chart]

14 Signs That You Love Your Job…Or Not [Chart]

We write a lot about things you can do if you don't like your job. Statistics show that people will switch job about 7 times during their professional ...
Demystifying SEO Elements: Where To Focus To Get Results [Infographic]

Demystifying SEO Elements: Where To Focus To Get Results [Infographic]

One could say that the Internet is run by search engines. It's what helps us find whatever we need to find. When you look at it from this perspective, ...
Behold The Burger King Handsfree Whopper Burger Holder

Behold The Burger King Handsfree Whopper Burger Holder

When I say fast food, what do you think about? Is it the ordinary yet sometimes necessary intake of nutrition from a drive-thru restaurant which you e ...
Browser App Allows Temporary Self-Destructing Emails To Be Sent

Browser App Allows Temporary Self-Destructing Emails To Be Sent

The Internet is becoming more and more transparent. Everyone wants to share more about themselves, but they don't want what they share to be online fo ...
Party Cup: The Party Accessory For Smartphone Junkies

Party Cup: The Party Accessory For Smartphone Junkies

Juggling your phone while partying is the last thing you should be concerned about, right? How many times have you woken up after an epic night out wh ...
MIT Unveils Impressive Biological Silkworm 3D Printer

MIT Unveils Impressive Biological Silkworm 3D Printer

Technology has come a long way since the first technological device was invented. But when we look at the wonders of our world and how nature itself h ...
12 Hilariously Bizarre Yet Real Customer Service Queries [Infographic]

12 Hilariously Bizarre Yet Real Customer Service Queries [Infographic]

It's Friday, and most of us were ready to start our weekend yesterday, if you know what I mean. For most people, a perfect day is a day without proble ...
6 Steps To Prevent Digital Identity Disaster

6 Steps To Prevent Digital Identity Disaster

When I was in college (back before our civilized, digital epoch had dawned), the resume was the “you” you presented to potential employers. It was a c ...
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