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Fright Night Street Art: Halloween All Year Around

Fright Night Street Art: Halloween All Year Around

As we are getting ever closer to the fright night that we all love, it's quite clear that stores around the world are gearing up to sell some "scream" ...
Sweaters For Penguins: The World Responds To An Urgent Call

Sweaters For Penguins: The World Responds To An Urgent Call

Sometimes the world can be a cruel and harsh place to live in, especially if you are an animal that constantly has to battle disasters that us humans ...
Umbrella Coat: An Incorporated Umbrella In Your Raincoat

Umbrella Coat: An Incorporated Umbrella In Your Raincoat

Don't you hate it when you start your day with a smile because the weather is somewhat nice only to have it turn into a pouring bucket of rain a coupl ...
Digimo Camera: The New Edge Of Photography

Digimo Camera: The New Edge Of Photography

I think I have mentioned it many times before that I have a few friends who, when it comes to Photography, are in the elite layer of the amateurs. It ...
Largest Balloon Sculpture In The World Is A Spider

Largest Balloon Sculpture In The World Is A Spider

I remember as a kid I stumbled over those clowns at amusement parks who had balloon hats and were freakishly and constantly smiling. It was about the ...
It’s Great To Be Alive! Retro Safety Manual Uses Scare Tactics

It’s Great To Be Alive! Retro Safety Manual Uses Scare Tactics

I have always wondered why safety manuals usually have the same style when it come to graphics. Not only that, but they seem to make the people in the ...
The Man Who Found 101 Uses For His Ex-Wife’s Wedding Dress

The Man Who Found 101 Uses For His Ex-Wife’s Wedding Dress

This is such a funny story. I guess it's one way to recycle, right? When Kevin Cotter's wife (who he had been with since high school) left him last ye ...
Star Wars Lightsaber Umbrella: Keeping You Jedi Dry

Star Wars Lightsaber Umbrella: Keeping You Jedi Dry

It's somewhat weird to write this article today since the sky shows itself from its brightest side with a clear blue canvas and full on sunshine. It's ...
The Most Famous Gadget Battles Of All Time [Infographic]

The Most Famous Gadget Battles Of All Time [Infographic]

There has been some rather great battles in the world of tech since we first saw common man technologies on our streets. We have seen the video casset ...
Your Favorite Cartoon Kids All Grown Up

Your Favorite Cartoon Kids All Grown Up

As kids, we all had a cartoon series that we liked better than all the others, am I right? As we grew up, the cartoons changed, and we no longer fanci ...
The Animated History Of The iPhone [Video Infographic]

The Animated History Of The iPhone [Video Infographic]

The ongoing talk about the iPhone is probably divided into two camps. Some people are for it, and some are against it. Ever since this groundbreaking ...
Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job [10 Pics]

Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job [10 Pics]

This is such an oldie but a goodie! Every once in a while, I'll stumble across something that I remember seeing from many years ago, but it's so epic ...
6 Star Wars Pumpkin Carvings With Detail Insanity!

6 Star Wars Pumpkin Carvings With Detail Insanity!

Recently we announced the winners of the our awesome Halloween giveaway and among the prizes was one heck of a Star Wars pumpkin carving. That particu ...
Bricks Of War: The Lego Gameplay Video

Bricks Of War: The Lego Gameplay Video

The category (or archive) of Lego articles here on Bit Rebels is growing really fast and we love it! It's one of the few things that I think children ...
Costumes Through The Decades: The Constant Change [Infographic]

Costumes Through The Decades: The Constant Change [Infographic]

The days are getting darker and the time to choose a Halloween costume is becoming frighteningly short. I have yet to pick out the costume I am wearin ...
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