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Mega Crane Made Out Of 2 Million Origami Cranes

Mega Crane Made Out Of 2 Million Origami Cranes

The art of origami has gotten a great deal of space here on Bit Rebels, and that is not because we are insanely into origami. It's just that we think ...
Digital OCD: Making Sense Out Of The Madness [Photography]

Digital OCD: Making Sense Out Of The Madness [Photography]

Richard and I often joke that we have Digital OCD. Of course, OCD can be a very serious anxiety disorder, but we use the term more loosely. To us, it' ...
Jedi Cats: Perfectly Normal Cat Behavior [Video]

Jedi Cats: Perfectly Normal Cat Behavior [Video]

I am reluctant to do it, but I just have to. I am one of those people who was initially overly excited about all the cat videos on the Internet, but w ...
Most Popular Design Blogs By Social Media Following [Infographic]

Most Popular Design Blogs By Social Media Following [Infographic]

Many of our friends on Twitter have design blogs, and frankly, that was the initial way we got connected. In fact, I started using Twitter because I t ...
Bridesmaid Comes To Wedding… On An iPad

Bridesmaid Comes To Wedding… On An iPad

Well, I guess that's one way to get the entire world to see your wedding video. When did buying an iPad, a webcam, and getting it all set up become ch ...
Forget Planking & Owling, Now There’s Beheading! [12 Pics]

Forget Planking & Owling, Now There’s Beheading! [12 Pics]

*Warning: This is stupid* Dang these trends come and go quickly, don't they? I remember as recently as two months ago, planking was all the rage. Then ...
A Rare Look At The War In Afghanistan Captured On An iPhone

A Rare Look At The War In Afghanistan Captured On An iPhone

As an American, I know that our country is almost always at war, or at least it has been for the past decade or longer. I don't claim to understand al ...
If Web Browsers Were Celebrities [Infographic]

If Web Browsers Were Celebrities [Infographic]

I have to say that a few years ago I was a big fan of Firefox and how well it performed. However, something has happened since then and using the Fire ...
Giveaway: 2 Awesome Drobo External Storage Devices!

Giveaway: 2 Awesome Drobo External Storage Devices!

We here at Bit Rebels know all about the importance of storage space and its reliability. Usually when something breaks, all your data goes poof and i ...
The Evolution Of Social Gaming [Infographic]

The Evolution Of Social Gaming [Infographic]

When we talk about social media as it relates to business, we probably all think about social networking and how it will most likely increase the prod ...
How To: Break YouTube The Desperado Way

How To: Break YouTube The Desperado Way

I am what you would call an Internet advertiser's worst nightmare. Why? Well, I don't much click on ads unless they speak to my geeky senses. I always ...
Manhattan Steampunk Apartment Now Up For Grabs!

Manhattan Steampunk Apartment Now Up For Grabs!

Diana and I have been talking a lot about our future Bit Rebels office, and we're always coming up with some really awesome ideas for how we want it t ...
PPC vs. SEO: A Beginner’s Introduction To Both

PPC vs. SEO: A Beginner’s Introduction To Both

One question that people often ask me is, "Which is better, PPC or SEO?" It's interesting because it seems like the majority of people I follow on Twi ...
Betty White With Bill Murray’s Face: A Disturbingly Funny Mashup

Betty White With Bill Murray’s Face: A Disturbingly Funny Mashup

About a week ago, Reuters released the results of their study naming Betty White "America's Most Trusted Celebrity." 86% of the people surveyed voted ...
The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

I've been reading more and more reports lately that talk about how much Americans don't like their jobs. It's really disturbing, considering how much ...
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