Search query: website

How to Create Tileable Textures | Photoshop

How to Create Tileable Textures | Photoshop

I use a ton of textures when I design a website or a more elaborate design. Even when I am working in 3D (Lightwave) I am of course using a boatload o ...
How to Professionally Retouch a Photo

How to Professionally Retouch a Photo

As a designer we often get the question if we can enhance the photo's that we sometimes have to add to the "About" section on a new website. The proce ...

Cool Free Favicon Generators

What is a Favicon? A favicon (short for "favorites icon"), also known as a page icon or an urlicon, is an icon associated with a particular website or ...
How To Get Flash Video on iPhone/iPod Touch

How To Get Flash Video on iPhone/iPod Touch

One of the downsides of the iPhone is that it's not yet capable to show Flash apps/videos in the Safari browser. It's quite annoying if you ask me and ...
Short tough guys…

Short tough guys…

Mini Ninjas, with no pun intended, kinda snuck up on me...  I was on my beloved steam account and noticed a new demo available.  After installing p ...
The iPhone Orchestra Plays Led Zeppelin

The iPhone Orchestra Plays Led Zeppelin

This is going to blow your mind! According to the Stanford University website, MoPHo (short for Mobile Phone Orchestra) is a new repertoire-based e ...
Twitter In Real Life | Taking Twitter to The Streets

Twitter In Real Life | Taking Twitter to The Streets

Are we all just a bunch of stiffs ans squares? Are we all to afraid to make a fool out of ourselves? Are we just simply too scared to say things out l ...
Alyssa Milano Rocks On Twitter

Alyssa Milano Rocks On Twitter

It's always interesting to me to watch how celebrities use Twitter. As we all know, most celebrities tweet about one topic: Themselves. Although I, al ...
Worlds Most Expensive Commercial – Part 2

Worlds Most Expensive Commercial – Part 2

So, my article "Worlds Most Expensive Commercial Ever" made quite a stir when it was published. It was because of two things that the discussions star ...
RSS Feed Inspired Design

RSS Feed Inspired Design

RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication" but sometimes "Rich Site Summary") is a family of web feed formats used to publish freque ...
Web Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Web Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Designing and programming a website is a time consuming process that sometime gets unbalanced depending on how much influence the sole designer has on ...
Web Design | From a Robots Perspective

Web Design | From a Robots Perspective

Everyone knows by now that creating a website requires great skills in several areas depending on what kind of website you are looking to create. A lo ...
Hotel des Arts

Hotel des Arts

Located in the french quarter of San Francisco, Hotel des Arts offers a unique experience of 'living in art'. Highlighting contemporary local artists ...
Help, I’m Sinking in Quicksand!

Help, I’m Sinking in Quicksand!

Have you ever had one of those childhood fears that you carried with you to adulthood, only to find out later that it was never true? I’ve been afr ...

Have You Tried Seadragon? Demo It Here!

On the main page of the Seadragon website they say it all, "The aim of Seadragon is nothing less than to change the way we use screens, from wall-size ...
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