Tag: battery

Airport Compass: Hit The Gate Spot On, No More Rushing
Airports can be quite daunting if you haven't been traveling through them before. Usually they are not only big, but very crowded. Finding your way ...

LED Throwies: Colorful Holiday Lights For Geeks!
I've always liked LED throwies, and with the holiday season upon us, I thought it was appropriate to write about them since they are, of course, the g ...

Mophie Juice Pack: First External Battery For The iPad!
Even though I must say that the iPad has a truly remarkable battery life, there could never be too much, could there? That's why it's important to br ...

RollPhone: The Geekiest New Cell Phone Concept To Date!
When cell phones were first introduced back in the day, it was a thing of beauty and class, a sign of great status and success. However, now it's pre ...
Fanatical Bubble Wrap Poppers – This Is For You!
What is it with our bubble wrap fascination? I just had a package delivered a few minutes ago, and my son and I both grabbed pieces of bubble wrap to ...
1-Bit Symphony – World’s Smallest Orchestra!
I recently discovered the pleasant and inspiring music of the 8-bit as well as 16-bit instruments. They can easily and best be described as the music ...
Two Unusual Clocks – Minimalist Inspiration
Time is something that we always watch, especially when we feel that we are running up against a deadline. It is wonderful to see that even in this d ...
GE Engineer Breaks Down The Lightsabre – Infographic
The question has been asked a million times by now, and still we are no closer to revealing the true makings of the iconic Star Wars lightsabre. The ...
Droid Breakup: Brilliant Disassemble Of The Droid Phone
I don't know where the fascination started or who actually had the idea of breaking apart every new cell phone to check what's inside, but I am glad s ...
Apple Adds Projector To The MacBook Product Line
With so much going on over at the Apple headquarters, there is little that still surprises us if it comes from Apple. Apple has become a modern day g ...
Edi-Mobile | The Most Original Cell Phone Ever Made!
Every mobile phone company is furiously releasing new and enhanced cell phones each and every month it seems. Apple, Nokia, Sony/Ericsson etc... all ...
How To: Replace your iPod battery!
Everyone that has ever had an iPod knows that looking inside it is quite a feat. It's glued shut and it's super hard to get inside. But still the batt ...
Juice Pack Air
The juice pack air™ is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G & iPhone 3G S. It ...