Tag: cook

Top 6 Cooking Apps That Will Help You Cook Like A Pro
If you are someone who wants to learn more about how to cook and you don’t know where to start, then this is the article for you. We are going to go t ...

Learn How To Cook With This Augmented Reality Cooking Simulator
It's so much easier to learn how to cook these days compared to a decade ago. Back then, you had to either learn by watching someone else or learn fro ...

Cook Your Food & Charge Your Gadgets With The Same Device
I love giving my hubby geeky gifts. Honestly, sometimes they don't even hit my radar because companies do a poor job of marketing to women. I started ...

Cookbook: What The F**K Should I Make For Dinner?
More often than not, I find myself trying to figure out what to eat. It's one of those annoying questions that the more you think about, the fewer ide ...
Measure Spaghetti Like A Boss!
I guess anyone who has ever cooked spaghetti knows how hard it can be in the beginning to know exactly how much to put in the pot. Usually you put too ...
5 Convenient Ways To Learn How To Cook
Ever since I moved to this wonderful country, I have been on my own and learning how to do a lot of new things. I know it may seem weird to you that I ...

Technology: Use Your 3D Printer To Print Edible Food!
I know what you are thinking, and yes, this is nuts. However, it's nuts and it's true, so if you are into new technologies, you will love this! We o ...
MacOven: Cook Your Food In A MacBook Microwave
Are we overusing our microwaves and most importantly are we using up unnecessary power by doing so? Well, if everyone were to stop using their microw ...
An Online Tool For Easy Recipe Browsing!
We all love food! This is evidenced in all the food pictures that we see being shared on social networking sites like FaceBook and Twitter. And, why ...

New World Record Set: The Biggest Burger Ever
Earlier today when I wrote about live crabs being sold in vending machines, it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. So, now I've decided to write an ...

Creative Pop Tarts On A Stick: Yummm!
I've been saying for months that I want to write an article about all the different foods on sticks. These days it seems like almost everything comes ...
A Nifty New Concept Design For An Electric Stove Top
When I was in the U.S., I had the chance to cook breakfast with an electric stove top. You see, what we have at home in the Philippines is the usual ...
7 Cool Kitchen Gadgets For The Geek Chef!
My mom is a great cook, she can whip up anything in the kitchen from our favorite viand to baked goods. She says her secret is simple, just make sure ...
Kitchen Countertop That Knows What Food You Have & How To Cook It!
We couldn't be closer to the futuristic worlds that we've seen in blockbuster movies not too long ago. The technology is starting to really catch up ...
Can You Make A Rocket From Bacon? – Find Out Here
I know it sounds like a cliché, but I love bacon. I could eat bacon at every meal. I like my bacon crispy, even burnt. My son likes his bacon squis ...