Tag: Keyboard
For Workaholics: A Keyboard Design With A Lunch Bowl Built In
Do you get to take a lunch break every day when you're at work? I don't. Well, I could, but I often get so wrapped up in whatever I'm doing that I don ...
Modular Keyboard Will Have You Arrange Your Keys As You See Fit
There are a lot of keyboards on the market for anyone who is looking to upgrade to a more advanced or geeky one. Lately there has been a lot of innova ...
For Clumsy People: A Goof-Proof, Spill-Proof, Washable Keyboard
I need three or four of these washable keyboards. Yup, I'm that messy. I've spilled everything from ketchup to chocolate milk on my keyboards, and eac ...
Trojan Horse Created From Thousands Of Computer Keyboard Keys
There are some things that are easy to recycle, some that are hard, and some that are just plain fun. Computer keyboard keys fall into the fun categor ...
Keyboard Typing Speed & How To Improve It [Infographic]
You can tell when someone has been interested in computers for a long time because their keyboard typing skills have become perfected. To someone who ...
Retro Desktop Main Station iPad & iPhone Dock Feels So ’80s
Sometimes the future seems so boring, and all you want is to head back to the past, if only for a couple days. That's usually how I feel every time th ...
Social Media Affects Our Productivity At Work Big Time [Infographic]
Yesterday Richard published an article with 12 Tips For Increasing Productivity. As I read that list which the creator of the infographic put together ...
Pocket-Sized Virtual Keyboard Now Fits On Your Keychain
For a long time, people in the world have tried to do the impossible when it comes to small gadgets, and they've been somewhat successful at it. We've ...
Zen Of Yoda: Star Wars Wisdom Recreated With Old Keyboard Keys
Artists everywhere seem to be inspired by computer keyboard keys. We've featured so much fabulous art created by using those old recycled keys. I neve ...
Roll-Up Keyboard: Makes Us Return To Scrolls
I sometimes long for the innovative and purpose filled gadgets that we sometimes see released. However, It's hard to see what is going to change the w ...
The Folding Bluetooth Keyboard For Your iPad Or iPhone
When the first iPhone model was released, there was a landslide of people who bashed it for having a virtual keyboard (or a touchscreen keyboard depen ...
Qwerty Walls Are More Than Hypnotic
How many times have you looked at the walls around you and thought to yourself, "This is really depressing, maybe I should put up some new wallpaper!" ...
New Optimus Popularis: The Only Keyboard You Want To Marry
Wow, just wow! Some of you may remember the first version of Art Lebedev's Optimus keyboard and how revolutionizing it was when the first few images o ...
Super Sweet Steampunk Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse Design
When the steampunk style first became popular a few years ago, the designs we saw were all very Victorian, like watches and small gadgets with little ...
Typographic Calendar Created With 2,012 Recycled Keyboard Keys
I betcha this is the geekiest thing you'll read all day. I had to read about it a few different times just to wrap my brain around the complexity of i ...