Category: Lifestyle - Page 228

Ghana’s eWasteland: Living On The Legacy Of The Digital World

Ghana’s eWasteland: Living On The Legacy Of The Digital World

The shocking pictures below by Andrew McConnell were taken at the Agbogbloshie dump in Accra, Ghana. It's a place where much of the discarded computer ...
Hand Painted Nintendo & Pokemon Geek Girl Bra Designs

Hand Painted Nintendo & Pokemon Geek Girl Bra Designs

I realized today when I was poking around Bit Rebels that we've written a lot of articles about geeky girl jewelry, clothes, shoes and accessories. It ...
Coca-Cola Fast Fun Facts [Infographic]

Coca-Cola Fast Fun Facts [Infographic]

Last month when Coca-Cola celebrated its 125-year anniversary, I remember everyone in Atlanta was celebrating. If there was ever a city in the world t ...
Japanese Design: Deliciously Realistic Unagi iPhone Cover

Japanese Design: Deliciously Realistic Unagi iPhone Cover

As we pointed out in the recent article entitled How To Pimp Your Smartphone Celebrity Style, $497 million dollars were spent on phone accessories in ...
If You’re A Geek Girl: Impress With These 7 Manicures

If You’re A Geek Girl: Impress With These 7 Manicures

I consider being a geek one of the most honorable ways to live that I can think of. Not only is it a lifestyle, but it is also a way to make some rath ...
29 Fun Ways To Stay Creative & Keep Going

29 Fun Ways To Stay Creative & Keep Going

I write a minimum of three blog posts every day, seven days a week here at Bit Rebels. We publish a total of six new articles each day on this blog. S ...
12 Bird Nests In Unusual Places: Get Inspired By Nature

12 Bird Nests In Unusual Places: Get Inspired By Nature

I've always had a soft spot for bird nests and the baby birds that the mamas take care of inside those nests. I've written before about Tweet-Tweet, m ...
What Your Daily Preferences Reveal About Your Personality

What Your Daily Preferences Reveal About Your Personality

We've all seen the little questionnaires that supposedly pinpoint different personality types. You know, the questions like, "Do you wear boxers or br ...
Tipping Etiquette Around The World [Infographic]

Tipping Etiquette Around The World [Infographic]

I think I have touched on this subject before, and I didn't get any more clever because of it. As you can read from one of my earlier articles, tippin ...
The Healing Power Of Banana Peels

The Healing Power Of Banana Peels

Apparently banana peels are a kind of miracle drug, and I'm just now finding out about it. Since I'm not a big fan of medicine, I'm really excited abo ...
Corporate Giving: Modern Philanthropy Is Big Business

Corporate Giving: Modern Philanthropy Is Big Business

The word "philanthropy" gets thrown around a lot these days. I see more and more people referring to it in their posts, and even in their tweets. Phil ...
How To: Turn Rain Puddles Into Duck Ponds

How To: Turn Rain Puddles Into Duck Ponds

Most people don't like rainy days. I really like them, but I'm kinda strange like that. I love how rain smells, and how it feels. Have you ever notice ...
Gooey Sticky Popcorn Cake: The Ultimate Movie Snack

Gooey Sticky Popcorn Cake: The Ultimate Movie Snack

Even though this isn't a food blog, we still have fun writing about food designs. This is especially true when they look like works of art. One thing ...
How To: Know When To Work For Free (Freelancers)

How To: Know When To Work For Free (Freelancers)

If you are a self-employed freelancer or consultant with any amount of success under your belt, you have no doubt had to deal with people asking you t ...
How To: Throw A Kickin Summertime Picnic

How To: Throw A Kickin Summertime Picnic

It's hot and sunny outside, and that means it's time for some hella picnics on the weekends! I love going to those kind of parties, but I hardly ever ...
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