Category: Social Media - Page 70

7 Steps To Building Your Online Identity

7 Steps To Building Your Online Identity

There are so many personalities online that we admire and often emulate. However, building our own online identity is not that simple. It takes a lo ...

Geolocation Marketing Made Easy

Have you checked in yet? If you do not know what that phrase means, let me explain it to you. Geolocation based applications are becoming more and m ...
When FaceBook Connect Truly Connects!

When FaceBook Connect Truly Connects!

For those of you who have been using FaceBook, you've probably seen that people on there share a lot of things with their friends and family. You can ...
Do You Still Think Social Media Is A Fad?

Do You Still Think Social Media Is A Fad?

If you have just started being active in social media with platforms like FaceBook or Twitter, then you might think, "Hey, it won't last. People will ...

Twitter vs. FaceBook – Which is Better?

Twitter and FaceBook have both been gaining so much popularity. A lot of people would argue that Twitter is better than FaceBook, while others prefer ...
Ever Heard of a Lollipop Brand? – Apple and Nike Are Some!

Ever Heard of a Lollipop Brand? – Apple and Nike Are Some!

Everyone is talking about brands these days and how you can brand pretty much anything, even yourself to some extent. Sometimes, though, things are t ...

25 Reasons To Love Social Media

Social Media is now the trend. While the majority of brands and companies are just starting to get into the phenomenon, others still ignore the power ...
Social Media Explained In 2 Minutes (10 Key Facts)

Social Media Explained In 2 Minutes (10 Key Facts)

Social media is in the limelight and the topic of conversation in your office and with your friends. You can read about it everywhere. However, ther ...
6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

It is very difficult for me to write this article. I'm going to do it anyway because I think by sharing my experience; it might be helpful to someone ...

7 Reasons Why Your Social Media Campaign Is Failing

Social media is a buzz word nowadays. So many people are trying to find ways to leverage their brand's presence and reach a larger audience. Just li ...

3 Possible Reasons Why People Are Ignoring Your Tweets

There are so many people getting on Twitter these days, and more and more are either learning the beauty of Twitter or getting frustrated with it. Th ...

10 Reasons To Love FaceBook!

There have been so many arguments lately for why people should close their FaceBook account. The biggest reason is the privacy issue. I have been on ...

How To: Spot A Twitterholic

I love Twitter and I know so many people who also love it as much as I do. We have a special bond that some people do not understand. Social media h ...

15 Reasons To Love Twitter!

When I started to use Twitter in 2008, it was not as popular as it is today. Just imagine in my country it is now no. 5 in terms of popularity. Back ...

How Social Media Can Help With SEO!

There are so many inquiries that I have received already in terms of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. What is it? How can we implement it on our o ...
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