Category: Social Media - Page 72

6 Easy To Use FaceBook and Twitter Desktop Clients

Have you been bitten by the social media bug? Do you update your Twitter and FaceBook account everyday? So many people now engage and converse real ...

We Definitely Abuse The Phrase “Hey Guys!”…

Hey guys! Have you ever thought about the words you use to say hello to your peeps and followers? Well, you really should cause I am sure if you put ...
10 Ways To Become A Twitter Mega Celebrity

10 Ways To Become A Twitter Mega Celebrity

Twitter has truly changed the game when it comes to social networking fame and fortune. It hasn't really become easier to become a celebrity but the ...

What Do You Do When Someone Stalks You On Twitter?

Last week I was in a meeting with my boss (@leahbesajimenez) and before the meeting started, on our way to the meeting place, she asked me if I ever h ...
Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

I remember the day I got on Twitter for the very first time in March of 2009. It was all so strange to me at first. I don't know how I found @cheth, b ...

5 Things To Consider When Setting Up A Press Conference

Setting up a press conference for your brand or business is an efficient way to allow the majority of people to know more about what you do and what s ...
The New YouTube | Do You Like It?

The New YouTube | Do You Like It?

Social media is now part of our daily lives, the majority of us have been communicating and sharing via different social networking platforms. One th ...
Re-Thinking The Twitter Concept [Humor]

Re-Thinking The Twitter Concept [Humor]

Have you ever asked yourself the question "What if Twitter was conceived as another animal instead of a bird...what then?" What would we call it or wh ...
Unique Twitter Birds for Your Inspiration

Unique Twitter Birds for Your Inspiration

I wrote this article to help boost your creativity when you are on Twitter. For those who have come to love the site and use it as often as I have, y ...
50 Clever, Hilarious and Geeky Twitter T-Shirts

50 Clever, Hilarious and Geeky Twitter T-Shirts

It's amazing what Twitter has achieved in its short lifetime so far. Just the mere fact that it keeps on growing and growing without any signs of sto ...
How To:  Find Killer Twitter Content To Tweet

How To: Find Killer Twitter Content To Tweet

Here's the scene: You've been on Twitter a while, you've had fun tweeting about what you are doing, you've been retweeting the power users, but now yo ...

Can You Have Real Friends on Twitter?

Twitter is a great social networking platform. It lets you communicate with people from all over the world 24/7 real time. We are always told that you ...

5 Benefits of Leaving a Constructive Comment on a Blog

Blogging or starting a blog is no walk in the park. A writer puts in a lot of effort to make sure that what he or she writes about is something that ...
A Tribute To The Perfect Twitter Breakfast

A Tribute To The Perfect Twitter Breakfast

I live in the Southern part of the United States, and breakfast here is a big meal of the day. In case you are unfamiliar with this picture to the le ...
Twitter Profile Picture Or Not? – 10 Times More Followers Awaiting

Twitter Profile Picture Or Not? – 10 Times More Followers Awaiting

I expect you think you know the answer to this quite important question. There is a growing number of Twitter accounts being created each day and many ...
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