You blog a lot? | Get the “Bloggie” camera from Sony!

You blog a lot? | Get the “Bloggie” camera from Sony!

In a time when even animals have their own blogs it is apparent that there is a wide audience and focus group for companies to churn out new gadgets f ...
Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

I’m a very visual person and I get a lot of inspiration from looking at beautifully designed websites. Since I am not a designer, I often take for gra ...

5 Free File Sharing Sites

Having a big amount of storage to save your file is crucial specially for Freelancers.  A file hosting service, online file storage provider, cyberloc ...
Displays of tomorrow are Transparent | Amazing!

Displays of tomorrow are Transparent | Amazing!

Few people interested in computers and tomorrows technology could have missed the ongoing gadget show CES in Las Vegas. This year more revolutionary d ...
Pablo Picasso Like You’ve Never Seen Before

Pablo Picasso Like You’ve Never Seen Before

I was first exposed to Picasso’s famous painting, Guernica, when I was attending University and studying art history. As if the story of the Spanish ...
How To: Kill your Cable TV!

How To: Kill your Cable TV!

CES is just a haven of new and cool things. As usual there are things that pop out more than others and this year we have covered just a few of them. ...
20 Tips to Look Younger Today

20 Tips to Look Younger Today

We definitely live in a youth obsessed culture because it seems like everyone wants to look younger than their age. If you are one of the lucky ones w ...

How To: Improve Your Kid’s Math Skills

Math is an important fundamental skill that every kid should master.  Parents with kids from the 1st to the 5th grade can now learn math via a multi-p ...
2010 – The year of Cell Phone Projectors!

2010 – The year of Cell Phone Projectors!

There is a pile of new things coming out on the market in 2010. Not only some rather cool new tablet's and cell phones but also some rather unique and ...
Interactive Mirrors | The Mirrors of the Future

Interactive Mirrors | The Mirrors of the Future

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what’s the coolest mirror of all? I read many years ago in a Napoleon Hill book that successful people write their goals ...

How to: Get Feedback on Twitter

While going through the comments on the How to Get Followed on Twitter |Twitter 101 article, a reader posted an interesting  question.  She asked me i ...
Have you seen the awesome Tablet/Computer?

Have you seen the awesome Tablet/Computer?

Apple is working hard on finalizing their new iSlate or Tablet (depending on who you talk to). Word is that they will most likely announce their table ...
How To: Brainstorm Effectively

How To: Brainstorm Effectively

As we all know, brainstorming can be one of the most powerful tools when trying to come up with innovative ideas.  I’ve had brainstorming sessions in ...

How To: Fuel Your Passion

I love Diana's article You Want Something? Go Get It. Period. I was really moved by that post and was thinking about it for quite sometime. Passion ...
The Best Etch A Sketch Artwork in the World

The Best Etch A Sketch Artwork in the World

Do you remember playing with an Etch A Sketch? I loved my Etch A Sketch when I was little. I played with it every day for years. Recently, I even c ...
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