Android 2.0 Takes On iPhone

Android 2.0 Takes On iPhone

On October 30th, Verizon Wireless is scheduled to release the Verizon Motorola Droid smartphone which will showcase the new version of Google’s much a ...
Weaving the Illustrator’s Magic!

Weaving the Illustrator’s Magic!

Illustration is one of my favorite subject when it comes to design. It's the way the drawings look that truly fascinates me.  Found this very cool des ...
Photoshop | Applying & Removing Make-Up

Photoshop | Applying & Removing Make-Up

Alright, we've come to the point when I'll be stepping over into a female territory for a second. Being an artist and all puts me at the make-up girls ...
You’ve Never Seen A Sand Castle Like This!

You’ve Never Seen A Sand Castle Like This!

Once again, I would like to present you with an incredibly talented artist, for your inspiration: When Sudarsan Patnaik was a young boy living in O ...
Web Service to See Who is Tweeting Links from Your Content

Web Service to See Who is Tweeting Links from Your Content

Tweetiator is a patent-pending web service that allows content owners to see who is tweeting links to their content on Twitter. It was conceived and d ...
Power Up Your iPhone When You Travel

Power Up Your iPhone When You Travel

The phone is one device that has become very important gadget to a lot of people. It helps keep them connected to their families, friends and even co- ...
Photoshop | High Fashion Cross Processing Effect

Photoshop | High Fashion Cross Processing Effect

I usually correct, fix, modify and enhance photos in my daily work in order to make images fit with the designs and color schemes that I implement on ...
Move Over Pepsi, Coke Is On BitRebels Now!

Move Over Pepsi, Coke Is On BitRebels Now!

The writers here at BitRebels often gain inspiration from one another and write follow ups to each others articles. This is one such article. My Twi ...
2010 Olympic Medals, recycled electronics

2010 Olympic Medals, recycled electronics

In just a few days the Olympic torch will be lit and the countdown to the games will begin. Vancouver has been preparing for this grand event for year ...
Vintage Polaroid Films Production to Resume in 2010?

Vintage Polaroid Films Production to Resume in 2010?

Have you heard of the Impossible Project?  Here is their mission.  Polaroid is transforming itself from an analog Instant Film Production Company to a ...
Glass Pyrograph by Etsuko Ichikawa

Glass Pyrograph by Etsuko Ichikawa

Etsuko Ichikawa - The glowing material is molten glass. She gathers really hot glass onto pipe and makes drawings on paper. Paper that she uses is ext ...
First Look | iPhone 4G Preview?

First Look | iPhone 4G Preview?

Apple is hard at work on...well...something. We all know that., right? Sources say they are working on either a new generation iPhones or a tablet. Bu ...
My other dad is @BillCosby

My other dad is @BillCosby

It's true! <kanye>I'ma let you finish but first I have to say that Heathcliff Huxtable is the best dad of all time!</kanye> Sorry, I just ...
Check out my Butt-Sled

Check out my Butt-Sled

I love and hate snow sledding. The preparation to the 12 seconds of thrill is the worst part. First you need to climb up the hill in a foot of snow. I ...
The 43,000 Year Old Plant

The 43,000 Year Old Plant

Here we go again, I find myself writing about nature every week. I just can’t get enough of it. I was writing an excerpt for a client, and the Scien ...
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