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10 Ways Some Followers Are Ruining Your Twitter Style

10 Ways Some Followers Are Ruining Your Twitter Style

It's one of the most debated topics on Twitter and is sure not going to stop anytime soon, the fact that we all want Twitter to be just how we like it ...
The Game Is On | Heat Changing Arcade Coffee Mugs

The Game Is On | Heat Changing Arcade Coffee Mugs

Arcade gaming is not just about the square pixels on a screen or the movement of the sprites you are meant to take out, catch or race. No, arcade gam ...
Interview | – The Color of Printing

Interview | – The Color of Printing

We've covered quite a few companies here on Bit Rebels and now it is time to feature This is an online printing service with an edge th ...
Do You Need Help Remembering Stuff?

Do You Need Help Remembering Stuff?

Have you seen the movie, Finding Nemo? If you have seen it, then you will probably agree with me that the most memorable character there is Dory, the ...
Willy Wonka Shoes | Candy Snack Whenever You Want

Willy Wonka Shoes | Candy Snack Whenever You Want

Who could have missed the re-make of "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory" (New Title: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory") from 1972. In the re-m ...

Online Spelling and Grammar Help for Writers!

There are so many new applications that are created each day!  It's a good thing we have so many developers that seek out ways to create applications ...
Just Unveiled: The Porsche 918 Spyder

Just Unveiled: The Porsche 918 Spyder

I am such a sucker for hot cars. I always have been. When I’m around a beautiful, sleek, sexy, fast car I get weak in the knees and turn to mush. I ...

Your Life in Pictures!

People nowadays have several reasons to take pictures. We share them with our friends and most importantly, we take them so that we can update our pr ...
To Vlog or not To Vlog?!

To Vlog or not To Vlog?!

Everyone is entitled to the way he or she wants to express themselves.  Artists paints, sketch and design while writers blog.  Some people find it muc ...
A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

It seems like it is easy to gain weight but so hard to lose the weight once you have gained it.  I see people really doing their best to stay healthy ...
Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

We interrupt the regular Bit Rebels programming to bring you this important announcement: Did you know that a 10 foot long crab was captured in Great ...
Need Help Sorting Your Email?

Need Help Sorting Your Email?

Do you ever get days when you need to go through 250 emails waiting for you in your inbox? It's like it's just there waiting for you to go through it ...
How To: Get Your Toaster and Your Toilet to Tweet

How To: Get Your Toaster and Your Toilet to Tweet

A few days ago I wrote an article entitled, “How To: Get Your Dog to Tweet.” It was a fun article to write because there are actually dogs on Twitter ...

Turn Your Kids Into Heroes!

I enjoyed writing about Story Jumper because it gives us the power to  create stories and share them with our families.  The topic is particularly ap ...

Make Your Video Shorter

How would you like to take footage with your video cam and be able to view an edited or short version of it really fast?  If you are used to video edi ...
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