Search query: business

What’s inside the @Square | The Complete Guide

What’s inside the @Square | The Complete Guide

I was sitting around at the office yesterday and started to think about this whole new venture that Jack Dorsey (@jack) has launched upon the world. I ...
Google Goggle for Android Phones

Google Goggle for Android Phones

Google Goggles is a visual search app for Android phones. Instead of using words, take a picture of an object with your camera phone: we attempt to re ...
Personalize Your Greeting (e)Cards via Video

Personalize Your Greeting (e)Cards via Video

I like receiving eCards most specially when they are personally made for me.  Shows you that the one sending it, made such an effort to make you smile ...
Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

I can honestly say my life would be dramatically different without Twitter, so I’m a huge fan of Jack Dorsey. After reading about Square, I am even m ...
How Google is failing the launch of Google Wave

How Google is failing the launch of Google Wave

It has been a while now since the Google team announced their heavily anticipated new addition to the ever growing Google empire. This time it was a w ...
Create a Personalized Holiday Cheer!

Create a Personalized Holiday Cheer!

Tired of sending the usual e Cards?  Thanks to @vimags21 who shared to me a cool find.  The GAP Holiday Cheer Factory. GAP Inc. is one of the world ...
Twitter Intimidation Explained

Twitter Intimidation Explained

If you are new on Twitter, I hope this article sheds some light on the relationship building aspect of social media. When I first started on Twitte ...
MicroBlogging for Entrepreneurs

MicroBlogging for Entrepreneurs

If Twitter asks "What is Happening? Sprouter asks What are you Working on? Here is a microblogging site for entrepreneurs. Sprouter facilitates networ ...
The Truth about Facebook | Scared Yet?

The Truth about Facebook | Scared Yet?

It has been an ongoing debate now for over 3 years. What exactly is Facebook and what are they doing behind the scenes that we don't know about? How a ...
Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

As more and more businesses are looking at social media to monitor their brands. Now even government agencies are looking at social media to monitor ...
How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

For all of you that believe there is no such thing as a "free lunch," this post is for you. Along with many others, I have been watching closely as G ...
HipnosEye | Nifty Projector for Your iPhone!

HipnosEye | Nifty Projector for Your iPhone!

For those who make presentations during business meetings, I am sure most of you like me hate carrying the big bulky projection system.  But its ...
What Facebook is for…

What Facebook is for…

Social Media, the one thing to rule the Web since the Internet boom back in the end of 1990. People are constantly asking me what it's for and why one ...
Twitter on XBox LIVE

Twitter on XBox LIVE

Twitter is spreading at an ever increasing speed. Not only do we now have a slew of different third party Twitter software's we also have a million (o ...
Who Should Be on Your Twitter List?

Who Should Be on Your Twitter List?

The Twitter list is all over Twitter and more people are getting themselves familiar with it. What is the Twitter List? The idea is to allow peopl ...
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