Search query: animal

The Teacups with a Hidden Surprise Inside

The Teacups with a Hidden Surprise Inside

I love teacups. There is something classy and very European about drinking tea from a dainty, white teacup. I've noticed that lately when designers cr ...
Exclusive Nintendo NES Bed Sheets For The Retro Geek

Exclusive Nintendo NES Bed Sheets For The Retro Geek

If you're like me, you probably sported some kind of idolizing bed sheets when you were younger. It could have been everything from Michael Jackson to ...
Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Earlier this week, I coordinated a luncheon to serve the homeless men and women in Atlanta. Because working with the homeless is a cause that is impor ...
Recycled Wildlife: Mechanical Nature Is Here

Recycled Wildlife: Mechanical Nature Is Here

So you're looking out onto your garden. There's a rabbit jumping aimlessly around looking for something to eat underneath the snow. You keep staring ...
How Marijuana Affects A Spider’s Ability To Spin A Web

How Marijuana Affects A Spider’s Ability To Spin A Web

Before I tell you about a cruel experiment done with spiders, I want you to know that I don't condone this or any cruelty to animals, even if they are ...
Now There Are Silly Bandz For Geeks!

Now There Are Silly Bandz For Geeks!

When I was in the U.S. last July, before visiting Chicago, we dropped by Tucson to visit with my aunts, uncles and cousins. It was a family reunion s ...
WTH: Eat LIVE Crab From A Vending Machine

WTH: Eat LIVE Crab From A Vending Machine

I admit, I like my food to have faces. I'm a meat eater all the way. After I wrote this article about how to kill a lobster in a humane way, I met m ...
HydroBOB: Ultimate Way To Experience The World Underwater!

HydroBOB: Ultimate Way To Experience The World Underwater!

Have you ever felt like the sea is a scary place with a lot of creepy animals swimming and crawling around? If that's the reason why you have never s ...
How To: Pimp Out Your Car Super Mario Style

How To: Pimp Out Your Car Super Mario Style

Are you a Super Mario fan? Mario completely invaded my life about a year ago when my son discovered him. Ever since then, Mario and all of his frien ...
Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Alright, there is no arguing that Lady Gaga is out to make an impression, whatever impression possible really. She's one of the few female artists th ...
Army Helmets: Their New And Fun Recycled Purpose!

Army Helmets: Their New And Fun Recycled Purpose!

I am one of those people who is heavily against any form of war and conflict. It breaks my heart when a small group of people, apparently driven by g ...
A Creative Dog That Paints: Now I’ve Seen It All!

A Creative Dog That Paints: Now I’ve Seen It All!

We've all seen and heard of animals doing incredible things. The geek in me always tries to analyze it. Are they doing what we consider amazing beca ...
The Pet High Chair: Dogs At The Dinner Table!

The Pet High Chair: Dogs At The Dinner Table!

Since Misty and I both love animals, we write about them a lot on Bit Rebels. Misty and her family have 20 cats in their home in the Philippines, and ...

What Will Make You Unfollow? Twitter Community Answers!

Twitter is a great place to meet people from all over the world. You can really have lots of fun too. Imagine being able to learn and share cool stuff ...
The Funniest Friggin Chatroulette Reaction Ever

The Funniest Friggin Chatroulette Reaction Ever

In case you've been living under a rock and you somehow missed the whole Chatroulette craze, don't worry, you didn't miss much. From the beginning th ...
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