Search query: art

Who Is A Friend To You?

I have very few real friends, and I cherish them. I enjoy reading quotes about love and friendship, and I found some that have truly resonated with m ...
A Right-Brain & Left-Brain Architectural Masterpiece!

A Right-Brain & Left-Brain Architectural Masterpiece!

I love this. In my humble opinion, it's friggin amazing. I've always been fascinated with left-brain and right-brain psychology. I have an advanced ...

How To: Get Along With Your BF’s or GF’s Friends

Being in love is great. Finding your soul mate and the one you can be with is wonderful. Okay, you have just started a new relationship with your si ...
Whole Body Snuggies – The Ultimate Geek Garments!

Whole Body Snuggies – The Ultimate Geek Garments!

We all remember Diana's wildly successful post about the geek snuggies that were almost too cool to write about. They were as geeky as they were cool ...

How To: Make A Ghost Photo In Photoshop

You might remember the post about scaring the bejeezus out of your friends with an app for the iPhone. It was a truly great trick to spread a certain ...

How To: Make Your Own Tattoo Gun Using An Electric Toothbrush!

A few years ago if you got a tattoo you were considered a bad boy of society. Nowadays it's as common as going to the store to get milk. Pretty much ...
The iPhone Gun Case – For The Clint Eastwood & Al Pacino In You

The iPhone Gun Case – For The Clint Eastwood & Al Pacino In You

You can definitely tell that I live in the Southern part of the States with this article. There are many places where shooting a gun is considered a ...
Food Photography – Stunning Photographs & Tips

Food Photography – Stunning Photographs & Tips

I love food and photography, so I've always been drawn to food photography. I'm only an amateur photographer, but in my opinion, taking pictures of f ...
Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

We have written several articles here on Bit Rebels that deal with sleep and the importance of getting a lot of it for health and well being. However ...
Typography You Can Wear – Using Humans As Typeface

Typography You Can Wear – Using Humans As Typeface

The nature of our environment and our lives is moving faster and faster. Just think about two very small pieces of the puzzle: Augmented reality and ...

The Fastest Way To Peel A Hard Boiled Egg

Do you like eating eggs? I do. There are so many ways to enjoy them. You have the classic sunny side up, the scrambled egg, eggs Benedict and hard ...
The Most Flexible Home Gaming Simulator Ever!

The Most Flexible Home Gaming Simulator Ever!

Gaming has long been an activity where you either stand at an arcade game console, or sit on a couch to play. Kids today have almost lost their entir ...
An Origami Tea Bag – Appreciate The Simple Things In Life

An Origami Tea Bag – Appreciate The Simple Things In Life

I don't know what it is with hot tea and me lately, but I feel like a little kid who is discovering something new. Yesterday I bought a beautiful han ...
25 New Nike Designs Including Twitter, Google & Michael Jackson!

25 New Nike Designs Including Twitter, Google & Michael Jackson!

We must really dig unique and geeky sneaker designs because we've written about them a lot here on Bit Rebels. Maybe I'm more of a dork than I thought ...
We’ve Finally Found The Real Entrance To Alice’s Wonderland!

We’ve Finally Found The Real Entrance To Alice’s Wonderland!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all could just imagine something, and it would come true? We could travel to foreign lands and experience adventures f ...
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