Search query: art

10 Ways To Secure A Successful Tweet

Millions and millions of tweets are written every day and most of them pass by our eyes like their life span never began at all. There a bunch of fac ...

Tools To Aid In Setting Up Your Site!

I started out my blog site using a free blogging platform and after I was comfortable in knowing that I could sustain it, I decided to get my own host ...
Directions From Above | Heavenly Street Light Design

Directions From Above | Heavenly Street Light Design

We are so used to reading signs nowadays that we sometimes forget that they have looked the same for over 5-6 decades now. And, we don't even think a ...

How To Turn Browsing Time Suck Into Social Media Time Saver

Two of the biggest obstacles to succeeding (and by succeeding I mean, being consistently active) in social media are: 1) Feeling that you don’t hav ...
Blowing Super Mario Is Now Generating Music

Blowing Super Mario Is Now Generating Music

Super Mario is one of the worlds most famous game characters and a legends in terms of game play and sales. Super Mario represents everything we know ...
Debbie Does Cakes | Food Inspiration

Debbie Does Cakes | Food Inspiration

I know what you’re thinking, and I’m not talking about that Debbie *wink*. This article is about Debbie Goard, the owner of a cake bakery in San Fran ...
How To: Create A Timeline

How To: Create A Timeline

If you have deadlines to meet at work, or personal deadlines you set for yourself, it is always better and less nerve wracking if you do a timeline. ...
A Stylish Bicycle Helmet That Fits In Your Pocket

A Stylish Bicycle Helmet That Fits In Your Pocket

I realize before you read this article you are going to either love this or hate this based on the pictures. Before you form an opinion, hear me out. ...

5 Traits A Blogger Must Have for Longevity!

When you contemplate starting a blog site, there are a lot of considerations that you need to factor in like content, design, which theme to use and w ...
The Geeky QWERTY Notebooks Are Sure To Inspire

The Geeky QWERTY Notebooks Are Sure To Inspire

Notebooks are considered computers nowadays and every time we refer to something called a notebook it is without hesitation a picture of a laptop of s ...
Automotive Next Level Concept Designs

Automotive Next Level Concept Designs

As you know, I’ve started an OMG category of art here on Bit Rebels, and this is another artist for that very select group that make your jaw hang ope ...
Sleeping On A Corn Cob Has Never Been This Comfortable!

Sleeping On A Corn Cob Has Never Been This Comfortable!

Finding odd things have been the core of Bit Rebels whole idea from the get go. The main idea is, as you all know, to present interesting things in a ...
Have You Ever Blown A Giant Sea Mollusk Before?

Have You Ever Blown A Giant Sea Mollusk Before?

I know, it’s a loaded question. I don’t normally watch television, but a few days ago my son was watching cartoons and I overheard a commercial talki ...

Should There Be A Rule About Following People On Twitter?

Twitter is a great platform to share and learn. The basics are that Twitter allows one to share links, quotations, thoughts, feelings and what they a ...
Pod Living | All The Space You Will Ever…Crave!

Pod Living | All The Space You Will Ever…Crave!

Housing is one of the biggest concerns nowadays for young people when they move away from home for the first time. Prices on houses and apartments ar ...
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