Search query: art

Jump-Start CARD: Borrow Power From Another Cell Phone Or Device

Jump-Start CARD: Borrow Power From Another Cell Phone Or Device

Being out in the field and constantly working on your cell phone, or any other mobile device, certainly has its positive and negative sides. You get ...
Design Inspiration: The Lego Headquarters In Russia

Design Inspiration: The Lego Headquarters In Russia

As you probably know, Richard, Misty and I all live in different countries. Even though we work well together through emails, Skype and direct messag ...
The Art Of Eating Bugs: It’s More Common Than You Think!

The Art Of Eating Bugs: It’s More Common Than You Think!

We really do like to embrace all different cultures from around the world. After all, Richard, Misty and I all live in different countries. However, ...
Post-It Revolution: Stop Wasting, Start Ripping

Post-It Revolution: Stop Wasting, Start Ripping

Ever since Post-It notes where introduced, there have been plenty of redesigns and ideas for how to actually increase the use and design of the small ...
The Mere Presence Of Darth Vader Sells More Cell Phones!

The Mere Presence Of Darth Vader Sells More Cell Phones!

Ads of today are getting ever more odd and weird. I mean, what happened with the easy to understand and straight forward message that if you buy some ...
Our Beloved R2-D2: Dissected Into All His Geeky Parts

Our Beloved R2-D2: Dissected Into All His Geeky Parts

R2-D2 has always been my favorite astromech droid. If he was human, Artoo could have been the perfect man. He was brave, courageous, had a fun perso ...
1,000 Articles and Yet There Is More…

1,000 Articles and Yet There Is More…

It took 529 days for me to write 1,000 articles. Anyone with a sense for math knows that's roughly 2 articles a day, every day. And that's pretty much ...
Wrap-a-Nap: Part Pillow, Part Blindfold Makes You Look…

Wrap-a-Nap: Part Pillow, Part Blindfold Makes You Look…

The world is filled with super cool inventions and ideas. All you really have to do is to take a look around you, and I am sure you will at least fin ...
Unusual Art: Blowtorched, Crushed & Shot Apple Products

Unusual Art: Blowtorched, Crushed & Shot Apple Products

Sometimes destroying things is really fun. Have you ever taken a piece of old fruit, a broken cell phone or even a water balloon and thrown it on the ...
This Is What Happens When Artists Do Too Much…

This Is What Happens When Artists Do Too Much…

Artists have a way of exaggerating reality in order to highlight their subject, and usually it is in every possible visual way. It becomes the tool t ...
Hose Cactus: Stunning Artwork About Drinking Water

Hose Cactus: Stunning Artwork About Drinking Water

Who would have thought that even a hose could be recycled into something so genuinely beautiful? The cactus is used to living in harsh environments w ...
Cartoonified: Super Mario In Retro Cartoon Style Posters

Cartoonified: Super Mario In Retro Cartoon Style Posters

I am not sure of how many incarnations of Super Mario games there are out there, but I am sure there are a lot of them, right? They are always playfu ...
How Old Newspapers Become D’Eco Art

How Old Newspapers Become D’Eco Art

The things you can do by just recycling stuff is only limited to your imagination. I have many times written about things that have laid dormant awai ...
Porsche Smartphone: The New Luxury Cell Phone To Flaunt

Porsche Smartphone: The New Luxury Cell Phone To Flaunt

Everyone knows that with a new and cool cell phone, you are likely to catch anyone's attention. Sure, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the girlies ...
IKEA Creates 3D Chalk Art In Sydney

IKEA Creates 3D Chalk Art In Sydney

I wish we had an IKEA store here in Manila. Whenever I'm traveling, I often drop by whenever I have time. IKEA is a Swedish corporation that designs ...
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