Search query: birthday

5 Convenient Ways To Learn How To Cook

5 Convenient Ways To Learn How To Cook

Ever since I moved to this wonderful country, I have been on my own and learning how to do a lot of new things. I know it may seem weird to you that I ...
The Royal Wedding Built With 170,000 Legos

The Royal Wedding Built With 170,000 Legos

As the whole world gets ready for the latest royal wedding on April 29th, marketers everywhere are using the hype to their advantage. It seems we've s ...
The Star Wars Inspired Star Destroyer Ice Luge

The Star Wars Inspired Star Destroyer Ice Luge

I will admit that I've never done a shot of tequila. Ever. However, if I was to do the salt thingy on my hand and try it, I can't think of a more fun ...
Chocolate Lego Bricks: For Geeks With A Sweet Tooth

Chocolate Lego Bricks: For Geeks With A Sweet Tooth

So by now I'm sure you know how much we love Lego on Bit Rebels. You also probably know that I love chocolate and write about it often. Whether it's a ...
Computer Viruses: 40 Year Timeline of Progression

Computer Viruses: 40 Year Timeline of Progression

Many websites (including Mashable) are reporting that 2011 is the 25th anniversary of computer viruses; however... upon digging further, I'd like to r ...
The Ultimate Secret Hiding Place In Your House

The Ultimate Secret Hiding Place In Your House

I've always thought the idea of leaving a time capsule for future generations to find would be fun. It's even fun to pack away a magazine or trinket i ...
12 Signs Your Girl Might Be High Maintenance

12 Signs Your Girl Might Be High Maintenance

I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone the other night, and somehow we got on the topic of what it means to be a girl that is "high maintenance." ...
Smell Like A Geek: Two Geeky Scents To Start Your Day

Smell Like A Geek: Two Geeky Scents To Start Your Day

When I first wake up in the morning and before I go to bed at night, I make sure I take my bath.  It always feels good to be clean and smelling really ...
Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...
HeadBanger: The First Sweatband Headphones Are Here

HeadBanger: The First Sweatband Headphones Are Here

With a landslide of headphone designs at our disposal, we are always trying to find the ones that suit us the best.  Sometimes they are too uncomforta ...
The Self-Proclaimed Mini King of Pop

The Self-Proclaimed Mini King of Pop

I'm not normally into kiddie videos. All of us who have kids think our kid is the cutest, and we always want to show off the videos, right? I'm not ...
Surc: Turn Your iPhone Into A Universal Remote Control!

Surc: Turn Your iPhone Into A Universal Remote Control!

More and more iPhone cases are starting to incorporate technology into them that will technologically enhance the iPhone itself. So far we have only ...
The Most Expensive Barbie Dolls!

The Most Expensive Barbie Dolls!

I grew up playing with Barbie dolls. I started playing with Barbies when I was 8-years-old with my younger sister, and I didn't stop playing with the ...
Cupcake Lovers Rejoice: Cupcake Inspired Goodies!

Cupcake Lovers Rejoice: Cupcake Inspired Goodies!

I love cupcakes, and I know our entire team at the office loves them too. At the office, we are quite spoiled when it comes to cupcakes. We have Mar ...
Star Trek Pizza Cutter! Boldly Cut Where No Man Has Cut Before!

Star Trek Pizza Cutter! Boldly Cut Where No Man Has Cut Before!

Pizza is one of our favorite foods for dinner, and why not? It's yummy, its convenient, and it's a lot of fun to eat while watching your favorite spo ...
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