Search query: business

2012 Social Media News Broken Down By Month [Infographic]

2012 Social Media News Broken Down By Month [Infographic]

The state of social media is constantly changing, and changing fast. If you even sleep too long one night, you could miss the next big announcement, u ...
3 Things You Can Do To Optimize Your Experience On Twitter

3 Things You Can Do To Optimize Your Experience On Twitter

Twitter is different than any other social media site for various reasons. There are only so many ways you can optimize your experience on Twitter sin ...
Social Media Marketing Breakdown: The Numbers [Infographic]

Social Media Marketing Breakdown: The Numbers [Infographic]

When conducting a social media marketing campaign, it is important to know your numbers. To blindly unleash a marketing campaign would be like jumping ...
Brands In Social Media: How Popular You Need To Be [Infographic]

Brands In Social Media: How Popular You Need To Be [Infographic]

This is some really interesting information to me. We always say that as an individual, it's not about how many friends or followers you have on your ...
Even Mark Zuckerberg’s Hoodie Has Influence

Even Mark Zuckerberg’s Hoodie Has Influence

Mark Zuckerberg is facing some of the sternest criticism he has ever faced in the press at the moment. Is it still from the Winklevoss twins after a s ...
9 Steps To Better Personal Branding [Infographic]

9 Steps To Better Personal Branding [Infographic]

I am constantly asked what the most effective way to brand yourself is in today's social media climate. It's one of those questions that if you are ap ...
Star Wars AT-AT Computer Case Mod Is A Thrill To Behold

Star Wars AT-AT Computer Case Mod Is A Thrill To Behold

I have stumbled over a lot of computer mods over the years, and even though most have some factor of impressive magnitude to them, I must say that mor ...
LinkedIn Cheat Sheet: Mastering Brand Networking [Infographic]

LinkedIn Cheat Sheet: Mastering Brand Networking [Infographic]

When trying to reach out as a brand to new clients or customers, it's ever more important to utilize social media. The major services available are al ...
Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

I guess anyone who has been working with website design for a long period of time knows the importance of an optimized landing page. It's what could m ...
Hangover Heaven: The 45-Minute Hangover Cure

Hangover Heaven: The 45-Minute Hangover Cure

It's happened to almost all of us. We have a few too many and wake up the next morning with a pounding headache that feels like a jackhammer is bursti ...
A Social Networking Bill Of Rights [Infographic]

A Social Networking Bill Of Rights [Infographic]

When I first read last month about employers asking potential employees for their Facebook passwords as part of the job interview process, I was in di ...
Textspresso: Make Coffee By Texting This Brilliant Machine Mod

Textspresso: Make Coffee By Texting This Brilliant Machine Mod

Just yesterday, Richard wrote in one of his articles that "modders might be some of the most creative technology geeks out there." I agree with that s ...
The Social Harvest: The Cost Of A Like & Follower [Infographic]

The Social Harvest: The Cost Of A Like & Follower [Infographic]

There are a whole lot of sub-topics when it comes to the use of social media and networking. The multitude of uses is of course one of the fundamental ...
How Social Media Is Used In Divorce Court [Infographic]

How Social Media Is Used In Divorce Court [Infographic]

We've all heard about the isolated cases where Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites were used in divorce court. What you may not realize is ...
Digital Carpet: An Innovative & Interactive Technology Rug

Digital Carpet: An Innovative & Interactive Technology Rug

I remember back in the '90s when the only evidence of technology most of us had in our lives was in the computer on our desk. I'll never forget that m ...
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