Search query: cake

Introducing: The Dress You Can Eat!

Introducing: The Dress You Can Eat!

Is there any limit to how far someone's creativity can take them? I don't think so. After featuring so much unique artwork on this site, I’ve decide ...
Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

I remember receiving my first Twitter inspired gift, and that was when my sister got me a Tweet Me Pajamas.  I was so thrilled to use it, being a Twit ...

Twitter Dictionary | 35 Twitter Abbreviations

Do you know how to speak Twitter? It makes sense that with only 140 characters, there would be a need to create some shortcuts, but with all the new ...

7 Things NOT Said at the First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love getting together with family to share a large feast and playing "how many belt buckle holes I can drop". A ...
Google OS vs Windows, a fair fight?

Google OS vs Windows, a fair fight?

Leave it to Google to teach us how to rethink for the future. The way we use our computers is changing quickly and frequently. Now imagine your comput ...
Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

When I think about the artistry of Misty Belardo, I think of this quote by Henry Moore: “To be an artist is to believe in life.” Her artwork breathes ...
My other dad is @BillCosby

My other dad is @BillCosby

It's true! <kanye>I'ma let you finish but first I have to say that Heathcliff Huxtable is the best dad of all time!</kanye> Sorry, I just ...
Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Before I weigh in on the answer to the question "Will Google Wave replace Twitter," I want to explain to you the best I can what the heck Google Wave ...
$100 iPhone Stand | Created using a $100 Bill

$100 iPhone Stand | Created using a $100 Bill

Do you have too much money on your hands? Still don't know what kind of iPhone / iPod stand you want to grace your little gadget with? Or are you simp ...
Unique Accessories For Your Listening Pleasure

Unique Accessories For Your Listening Pleasure

Listening to music while working or just relaxing is something that has been a part of  the daily routine for majority of people including yours trul ...
Grow your own: Peppers!

Grow your own: Peppers!

There is a rebirth of home grown produce that is spreading across the UK... people are really digging into (get it?) growing their own fruit and veg. ...
Sweet Tweet! Nom..nom..

Sweet Tweet! Nom..nom..

Design should not be limited to the use of a pencil, brushes, software like photoshop or illustrator.  When it comes to unleashing creativity, you ca ...

Microsoft Search Veteran digging into Twitter…

Twitter has become a huge resource, and not just for telling people what you had for dinner.  Twitter search is pretty much the best way to gage a fe ...
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