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Lego Stilettos: A Geek Girl’s Dream Come True

Lego Stilettos: A Geek Girl’s Dream Come True

I only have two things to say about these dreamy shoes. 1) Hale yes 2) There are only going to be twelve pairs made, and I'm getting a pair. I will kn ...
10 Signs That You Need A Social Media Detox

10 Signs That You Need A Social Media Detox

I think anyone who is into social media would agree with me that things are moving faster and faster. Whatever it is that we have to do, it has to be ...
How To: Make Beer [Infographic]

How To: Make Beer [Infographic]

The summer is rapidly approaching, and we're looking forward to the time when we can sit in the sun, have a cold brewski, and just kick back for a cou ...
The Royal Wedding Built With 170,000 Legos

The Royal Wedding Built With 170,000 Legos

As the whole world gets ready for the latest royal wedding on April 29th, marketers everywhere are using the hype to their advantage. It seems we've s ...
Star Wars Lego Sand Crawler Is Beyond Retro

Star Wars Lego Sand Crawler Is Beyond Retro

I have no idea why I get so enormously excited every time I find something that is created using Lego. Maybe it is because it's such a genuine and fun ...
22,600 Watt Car Stereo Destroys Phone Book

22,600 Watt Car Stereo Destroys Phone Book

There are a lot of cool and different kinds of technologies out there that will amaze you, but when it comes to sound, it's a different thing altogeth ...
Yoga For Dogs: Gotta Keep Those Paws Strong

Yoga For Dogs: Gotta Keep Those Paws Strong

Is it just me or does it seem like dogs are becoming more and more like humans every day? Hmm... I can't decide how I feel about that. I don't know wh ...
Fail Your Way To Success: 5 Inspiring Examples

Fail Your Way To Success: 5 Inspiring Examples

Everyone in life faces failures ever now and then. It's part of being alive and being human. However, I know from experience, when we are actually goi ...
The World’s 8 Biggest Baddest Fugliest Bugs

The World’s 8 Biggest Baddest Fugliest Bugs

Somebody on Twitter sent me a tweet today that read, "You're so weird, but I like it." I didn't quite know how to take that, so I chose to take it as ...
Match Art: The Micro World Of A Matchstick

Match Art: The Micro World Of A Matchstick

It seems that "micro" is the new trend when it comes to art in all kinds of formats and styles. I recently wrote an article about the micro builds of ...
40 Gigapixel: World’s Largest Indoor Picture Ever Taken

40 Gigapixel: World’s Largest Indoor Picture Ever Taken

The cameras of today are getting better and better, and the quality is so good that reality sometimes can't match the image. What I mean by that is th ...
The Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

The Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

Messing around in WordPress is a pure knowledge thing. It really has nothing to do with skill since all you really have to do is learn what all the di ...
What You See vs. What Your Kids See [7 Pics]

What You See vs. What Your Kids See [7 Pics]

If you are a parent, you have most likely smiled more than once while thinking about how your child views the world. Whether it's looking up at a clou ...
For Really Hungry Geeks: Behold, The Salsa Hat

For Really Hungry Geeks: Behold, The Salsa Hat

Oh. My. God. I would totally wear this. For real. This is brilliant! As we all know, eating chips and salsa isn't exactly portable. I mean, one wrong ...
How To: Get A Fake Social Media Girlfriend That Seems Real

How To: Get A Fake Social Media Girlfriend That Seems Real

Aww, I have no doubt that super-geeks and nerds everywhere will love this! My only question is, why is it that these types of sites are only created f ...
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