Search query: exercise

10 Simple Ways to Feel Good!

Everyday we face so many challenges, and whether big or small, they can sometimes drain us.  In this fast paced world where we are always in a hurry t ...
How To: Confidently Strut In High Heels

How To: Confidently Strut In High Heels

Ahh… Stilettos. Just saying that word is like heaven to my ears. I love high heel shoes. My motto is the higher the heel, the closer to God. Since ...

Bicycle Boot | Are these the new Mountain Inlines?

I am Inlines fanatic and every year, every summer I go to my favorite place here in Sweden to "line" around the edges of the coast while enjoying the ...
20 Tips to Look Younger Today

20 Tips to Look Younger Today

We definitely live in a youth obsessed culture because it seems like everyone wants to look younger than their age. If you are one of the lucky ones w ...
How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

It’s 10pm, you finally sat down to relax and update your blog. You get comfortable, turn on some music, and stare at your computer screen. Nothing. ...
20 Ways to Stimulate Your Own Creativity

20 Ways to Stimulate Your Own Creativity

What distinguishes a creative person from one who isn’t? Aren’t we all creative on some level? I believe the answer to this question is yes; however ...
Toilet Paper with a Twist

Toilet Paper with a Twist

Found this toilet paper with a twist, in the olden days lol, you just had a choice of the color and the scent but now there are new designs coming out ...
Is Wii for Kids? Hell-yeah!

Is Wii for Kids? Hell-yeah!

Since I was a kid, I have always loved playing video games. I now have three of my own [kids] and don't have the time I'd like to sit back and kick so ...
It’s Here! Your Own Personal Hovercraft

It’s Here! Your Own Personal Hovercraft

Since I’m a huge Science Fiction fan, I always knew someday we’d all own our own personal hovercrafts, I just didn’t know they’d look like unicycles. ...
Interview | Obox Design – Makers of Inspiration

Interview | Obox Design – Makers of Inspiration

I am excited to be able to premiere a new section here at Bit Rebels - "Interviews". A section that I think will be full of inspiration and great inte ...
Funny Weight Reduction Mechanisms

Funny Weight Reduction Mechanisms

After Richard's post on Virtual Weight Loss ( and Diana's  10 Tips to look 10 Pounds Thinner Today ( I was i ...
10 Tips to Look 10 Pounds Thinner Today!

10 Tips to Look 10 Pounds Thinner Today!

After reading Richard’s bitrebels article about Virtual Weight Loss (, I decided to write an article about ways to look 10 pounds ...

Website: 43 Things – List Your Goals!

I came across this website and thought I would share it. 43 Things is a site that enables you to create a list of things you would like to do, big t ...
Finally a Delicious Computer-desk

Finally a Delicious Computer-desk

These computer-tables do work at home orderly. Whether you use a laptop or a desktop PC placed on the floor under your desk, you have probably ...
Stressed? Trick-or-Sweet

Stressed? Trick-or-Sweet

For all of us who sit all day (and night), staring at our 28's, without much exercise, I have a treat for you! Big Box has launched its brand of squee ...
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