Search query: food

How To: Make Your Own Slime

How To: Make Your Own Slime

Being a little kid today you sort of have to have slime. All the kids have it and that little mess of fun can be played with for hours at end even tho ...

Tips on How To Plan Your Own Wedding!

For two people in love, having a wedding that you'll remember and cherish forever is something both parties dream of.  They will go at all lengths to ...
Nut Personalities | Which Nut Are You?

Nut Personalities | Which Nut Are You?

I had a bowl of pistachio nuts tonight for dinner. As I sat there meticulously cracking open each shell, I began to ponder why I was spending so much ...
Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

I remember receiving my first Twitter inspired gift, and that was when my sister got me a Tweet Me Pajamas.  I was so thrilled to use it, being a Twit ...

5 Reasons To Write Guest Posts

I like Blogging, no I love it, I never thought I could really do this, I am just truly grateful to people who have encouraged me to just dive in. If y ...
For the Love of Bacon | Wild & Wacky Bacon Photos

For the Love of Bacon | Wild & Wacky Bacon Photos

As I sat down to write this post, I thought two things: 1) I am having a love affair with bacon. 2) I write about food way too much on this blog. M ...
How To: Get Free Stuff With Little Effort

How To: Get Free Stuff With Little Effort

You are going to love this article because I’m going to show you how you can get free stuff with a very small amount of effort. In this economy when ...
Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

As more and more businesses are looking at social media to monitor their brands. Now even government agencies are looking at social media to monitor ...
TubeRadio fm | YouTube for Music

TubeRadio fm | YouTube for Music is a web application that looks & feels like a music player where users can quickly find, listen to, build, and share playlists of th ...

Time Lapse proof of The Green House effect

You probably brush the Green House effect off like most people thinking it's something the governments are trying to use in order for us to buy other ...
Restaurant City or Cafe’ World? #FaceBook Games

Restaurant City or Cafe’ World? #FaceBook Games

Another reason why majority of the people prefer FaceBook than the other social networking sites is because of the games that one can play with his or ...
For Your Inspiration: Colors, Colors & More Colors

For Your Inspiration: Colors, Colors & More Colors

I’m always creatively inspired by bright colorful images. So much so that I started to wonder if our brain is actually stimulated creatively more by ...

How To: Live Greener By Reusing Everyday Items

One simple thing we can all do to be kind to the environment is reduce the amount of trash we produce. According to the video below, between Thanksgi ...
20 Ways to Stimulate Your Own Creativity

20 Ways to Stimulate Your Own Creativity

What distinguishes a creative person from one who isn’t? Aren’t we all creative on some level? I believe the answer to this question is yes; however ...
Zombies in Plain English

Zombies in Plain English

Alright, so let me paint up the scenario for you. It's Saturday afternoon, you're in full gear of preparing that party that you and your friends have ...
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