Search query: game

The World’s Largest McDonald’s Just Got Super Sized

The World’s Largest McDonald’s Just Got Super Sized

The world's largest McDonald's at the moment, which is in Orlando, is about to get big-mac'ed by this big daddy McDonald's being built in London for t ...
10 Epic Cosplay Costumes That Are Better Than The Originals

10 Epic Cosplay Costumes That Are Better Than The Originals

The cosplay community is just growing and growing. It has become so large that at any gaming or technology event, you will most likely spot some kind ...
Diablo 3 Open Beta Begins Today

Diablo 3 Open Beta Begins Today

If you’ve been itching to get your hands on the Diablo 3 beta, you’re finally in luck. Beginning today, Friday, April 20th, at 12:01 p.m. (PDT) Blizza ...
Ninja Time: If You Simply Want To Disguise Time Itself

Ninja Time: If You Simply Want To Disguise Time Itself

It's been a while since I saw any mention of the previously well known word "ninja." It was one of the most trendy words used not too long ago, but wi ...
THE Missing Voice On Your Business Board of Directors

THE Missing Voice On Your Business Board of Directors

Creating diversity in the board room has reached critical mass according to Bloomberg findings supported by Catalyst Census. According to Catalyst, a ...
Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

I guess anyone who has been working with website design for a long period of time knows the importance of an optimized landing page. It's what could m ...
Picnic Pants: For Fashionably Uncivilized Eating At Its Best

Picnic Pants: For Fashionably Uncivilized Eating At Its Best

I don't have a dinner table. There, I said it. Other than on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I would never use it, so why bother having one? My son and I ...
Wooden VHS Coffee Table Is A Retro Dreamer’s Ultimate Fix

Wooden VHS Coffee Table Is A Retro Dreamer’s Ultimate Fix

I honestly believe that the retrofication of your home is an honorable undertaking that might just land you some zen in your hectic life. Each day we ...
The Birth & Evolution Of The iPhone [Infographic]

The Birth & Evolution Of The iPhone [Infographic]

It's rare that a gadget comes along that changes pretty much our whole perception of how things work. We tend to get very attached to the ways we, the ...
World’s Smallest Atari 2600 Fits Inside An M&M Mini Container

World’s Smallest Atari 2600 Fits Inside An M&M Mini Container

Modders might be some of the most creative technology geeks out there. They continuously try to push the envelope to new heights. If it doesn't have t ...
Monsters ABC: The Sounds That Thrilled Us All [Video]

Monsters ABC: The Sounds That Thrilled Us All [Video]

So, the day of ultimate humiliation is finally over, and we can all relax and know it's yet another 364 days until all this madness goes down once aga ...
2D Ballpoint Pen Drawings Become Animated 3D Eye Candy

2D Ballpoint Pen Drawings Become Animated 3D Eye Candy

All the technology being developed today which will make television a whole lot more immersive is just mind boggling. Not too long ago, you had to sit ...
13 Modern 8-Bit Movie Posters: The Pixelated Reality

13 Modern 8-Bit Movie Posters: The Pixelated Reality

Most of you guys know that we are huge fans of creative posters here at Bit Rebels. We are always looking forward to great submissions that will take ...
Artistic Playing Cards Created With Watercolor & Pencil

Artistic Playing Cards Created With Watercolor & Pencil

The popularity of most games comes and goes with the trends, and what people play today could be completely different than what people play tomorrow. ...
The Terrible Power Of Mass Effect’s Character Creator

The Terrible Power Of Mass Effect’s Character Creator

For some people, the opportunity to create their own character with which to live out a rich, storied narrative is that of a lifetime. They dive into ...
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