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Famous Logos Redesigned With Red Roses

Famous Logos Redesigned With Red Roses

If you've grown tired of the same old, same old rose arrangements for your honey, why don't you try what photographer Alexander James does with his ro ...
Mind Twisting Stone Sculptures With Teeth, Zippers & Coins

Mind Twisting Stone Sculptures With Teeth, Zippers & Coins

I have seen lots of stone sculptures over the years, but I've never seen any like this before. Did you know that stones can have zippers incorporated ...
3D Printed Han Solo Frozen In Carbonite Is Picture Perfect

3D Printed Han Solo Frozen In Carbonite Is Picture Perfect

There are millions of people out there who keep wondering just what the best use of 3D printing technology will be. I think it's fair to say that it w ...
Grow Your Own Bio-Customized Stingray Sneakers

Grow Your Own Bio-Customized Stingray Sneakers

I have to be honest. I had a friend who had a stingray in his home aquarium. Whenever he and his wife went on vacation, I was the only sucker... ‘er u ...
Up Close & Personal When The Argentina Iceberg Flips

Up Close & Personal When The Argentina Iceberg Flips

Okay, have you seen this tourist video yet of the Argentina flip? Wow, that sounds like a dance move, but it is actually a glacier in Argentina flippi ...
Work Smarter: Maximize Your Efficiency In The Office [Infographic]

Work Smarter: Maximize Your Efficiency In The Office [Infographic]

Does the logic follow that if we can learn how to maximize our efficiency at work, we will be able to work less hours? It makes sense, but is there a ...
DIY Vertical Lego Building Area On The Wall & Ceiling

DIY Vertical Lego Building Area On The Wall & Ceiling

We recently got an email at Bit Rebels about a homegrown bio computer which is a computer built from donated computer parts which houses a soil contai ...
The Amazing Future Of 3D Printing Revealed

The Amazing Future Of 3D Printing Revealed

We here at Bit Rebels are really excited about the development of 3D printing. We believe it is one of the most important areas of research that is cu ...
Star Wars Babies Prints For Geek Nurseries

Star Wars Babies Prints For Geek Nurseries

How do you think it came to be that you are a geek? I mean, do you think something in your childhood pushed you in that direction, or was it something ...
Top 5 Conversion Opportunities For Digital Marketers [Infographic]

Top 5 Conversion Opportunities For Digital Marketers [Infographic]

If you are a digital marketer, and if you are interested in learning how to improve your conversions and return on your marketing investments, this in ...
Reality Guide To Making Money Online [Flowchart]

Reality Guide To Making Money Online [Flowchart]

We are constantly bombarded with get rich quick schemes that with just a few clicks of the mouse will make us a millionaire. Yeah, I think most of us, ...
Retrofied Super Mario Lego Aquarium Decorations

Retrofied Super Mario Lego Aquarium Decorations

The ways we continuously try to make our homes reflect our style and become more personal are never ending. It's one of the most creative endeavors we ...
Blow Job: The Wind Blown Look Goes Extreme [15 Funny Pics]

Blow Job: The Wind Blown Look Goes Extreme [15 Funny Pics]

When you have your photograph taken, do you have a ‘good’ side? I have never particularly enjoyed having my photograph taken, and as I get older, the ...
Retro Brilliance: The Cassette Tape Coffee Table

Retro Brilliance: The Cassette Tape Coffee Table

Retro design and coffee tables seem to go together well. It's a great way for people to add a little blast from the past to their homes. We've feature ...
Commodore 64 Key-tar Promises 8-Bit Rock For Geeks

Commodore 64 Key-tar Promises 8-Bit Rock For Geeks

Someone I have to thank for starting me out using computers is actually my brother who bought a Commodore 64 back when they were brand new. I used to ...
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