Search query: home

This Oven Lounge Geekifies Your Home Like Nothing Else!

This Oven Lounge Geekifies Your Home Like Nothing Else!

Do you remember the article I wrote about the stove turned into a stereo system not too long ago? Some mad designer took a stove and modified it into ...
iPhone Audio Dock Breathes Tron All Over Your Home!

iPhone Audio Dock Breathes Tron All Over Your Home!

Ever since I saw the Tron Legacy movie, I have been looking forward to seeing it again. Call me an idiot or something, but I was entirely captivated ...
Help The Homeless: Our Twitter Friend Takes Action!

Help The Homeless: Our Twitter Friend Takes Action!

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don't Cost Money. It is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart, ...
Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Earlier this week, I coordinated a luncheon to serve the homeless men and women in Atlanta. Because working with the homeless is a cause that is impor ...
A Once Hidden Cave City: 6,000 Homes Built In A Rock

A Once Hidden Cave City: 6,000 Homes Built In A Rock

Wow, I have never seen anything like this before. This is an 800-year-old cave city (for lack of a better word). It is obviously man-made, which blo ...
Pepper Spray Ring: Keeps You Safe On Your Way Home!

Pepper Spray Ring: Keeps You Safe On Your Way Home!

There is a saying that goes "You can never be too safe!" and I tend to agree with that. The headlines of today's newspapers constantly blast out the ...
14 Spaceship Homes: Get Ready To Ditch Earth By 2012!

14 Spaceship Homes: Get Ready To Ditch Earth By 2012!

If you're one of the millions of people that hauled your butt to the movie theater to watch the epic movie "2012" only to come out of it fully convinc ...
USB Power Outlet: Soon Gracing The Wall Of Your Home

USB Power Outlet: Soon Gracing The Wall Of Your Home

As more and more USB devices and accessories are created and put on the market, there is an ever increasing demand for USB chargers. There are hundre ...
Now You Can Roll Sushi At Home (Really, You Can!)

Now You Can Roll Sushi At Home (Really, You Can!)

Misty and I both love to eat sushi. To me, a sushi dinner is right up there with chicken wings and beer, but thankfully, it's a little more sophistic ...
Space Invaders Couch: Gank The Invaders At Home!

Space Invaders Couch: Gank The Invaders At Home!

There have been several posts here on Bit Rebels that deal with the perfect geek interior design. So far we have only touched the tip of the iceberg ...
Homemade Space Helmet Breaks All Boundaries!

Homemade Space Helmet Breaks All Boundaries!

We're in the middle of the space age, and we break boundaries every day. We travel farther into space and glance ever deeper at the planets and stars ...
This GPS Bracelet Counts The Miles Until You’re Home

This GPS Bracelet Counts The Miles Until You’re Home

You're at work and can't wait to get off. You just want to get back home to spend some time with your family. It's been on your mind all day, and yo ...
Alien Wackiness – Home Decor Inspiration (wth?)

Alien Wackiness – Home Decor Inspiration (wth?)

Omg... sometimes we just have too much fun on Bit Rebels. Last night I wrote an article about a giant alien shower sculpture that vomits water. I ha ...
Foldable Homes – Fold Up Your House and Take It With You!

Foldable Homes – Fold Up Your House and Take It With You!

I am sure you have read the article written by Diana called Downsizing Life – The House The Size Of A Parking Space. I think what that lady decided to ...
Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

For some people, collecting old magazines is a serious hobby. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George's father collected TV Guides. I don ...
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