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4 Tips For Handling A Spat With An Internet Friend

4 Tips For Handling A Spat With An Internet Friend

We always hear about the positive side of online communication. I have written close to a dozen articles about developing Twitter relationships, but ...
60 Second Google Update! – What’s New?

60 Second Google Update! – What’s New?

If you are like pretty much everyone else in the world, you interact with the big "G" on the daily. However, you may not be aware of the new and cool ...
How To: Manage Your Twitter Addiction

How To: Manage Your Twitter Addiction

I featured @Jason_Pollock’s picture in this article because he is, by far, the biggest Twitter addict I know. When he tweeted this clip below that ...
PetVille New FaceBook Game | Review

PetVille New FaceBook Game | Review

There is a new game on FaceBook with around 944,298 active users and with  162,715 fans (at time of post).  The game is very similar to Pet Society.  ...
Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

I can honestly say my life would be dramatically different without Twitter, so I’m a huge fan of Jack Dorsey. After reading about Square, I am even m ...
Cat Traits | What are they Telling You?!

Cat Traits | What are they Telling You?!

I love cats, my sister cares for 19 cats to date.  We did not  buy any of them they were all given homes because it's either their moms left them to f ...
Funky Water Furniture Design!

Funky Water Furniture Design!

A form of waterbed was invented in the early 1800s by the Scottish physician Neil Arnott. Dr Arnott's Hydrostatic Bed was devised to prevent bedsores ...
Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Have you been thinking about your wish list all year? If you haven't finished all your Christmas shopping last week and need a pressie for the geek in ...
How To: Get Free Stuff With Little Effort

How To: Get Free Stuff With Little Effort

You are going to love this article because I’m going to show you how you can get free stuff with a very small amount of effort. In this economy when ...
Oldschool Arcade Games | In Lego

Oldschool Arcade Games | In Lego

I was born at a time which made me the primary target group for any new home arcade console system during the mid 80's. And boy was I the target and t ...
How To: Develop Super Human Strength In Only 56 Seconds

How To: Develop Super Human Strength In Only 56 Seconds

In 56 seconds from now, you will have the secret to unlock your own super human strength which, according to this video, you will be able to use to im ...
Twitter Tools for Sharing

Twitter Tools for Sharing

Here are some cool tools that you can use to share files, photos, documents using twitter third party applications. The First one is anythin ...
FaceBook Games 101

FaceBook Games 101

Facebook is fast growing social networking site and for those of you who are on FaceBook you will notice that aside from updating status, uploading pi ...
How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out!

How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out!

If you are like me, you love Twitter. Since I work from home most days, having my TweetDeck open all day is as natural to me as having my email open. ...
CS5 User Interface Mod – Amazing! | Photoshop

CS5 User Interface Mod – Amazing! | Photoshop

Working in the same environment day out and day in can get somewhat tedious and boring. I usually do something to make each day different whether it i ...
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