Search query: infographic

7 Billion: Every Single Person In The World Represented On One Chart

7 Billion: Every Single Person In The World Represented On One Chart

When our brains think about huge numbers, sometimes they are hard to conceptualize. Take the debt in the United States for example. It's hard to visua ...
How To: Take High Quality, Irresistible Photos For Your Online Store

How To: Take High Quality, Irresistible Photos For Your Online Store

As we all know by now, photos are very important to include in all blog posts and online presentations. It's a 'visual web' so to speak, and people ha ...
Benefits Of Working From Home: A List Of Pros As Cons [Humor]

Benefits Of Working From Home: A List Of Pros As Cons [Humor]

It's Saturday morning as I'm writing this, and I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop like I do many mornings when I write my articles for the day. I st ...
Ultimate Photoshop CS6 Keyboard Shortcuts [Cheat Sheet]

Ultimate Photoshop CS6 Keyboard Shortcuts [Cheat Sheet]

Every designer knows that when it comes to Photoshop, the best thing you can do to speed up your work is to study the keyboard shortcuts intensely. Me ...
11 Rude Tech Industry Twitter Types & How To Translate Their Tweets

11 Rude Tech Industry Twitter Types & How To Translate Their Tweets

We've written about a lot of different Twitter personality types over the years, but this particular list makes my skin crawl more than any of the oth ...
34 Most Asked Job Interview Questions & How To Answer Them

34 Most Asked Job Interview Questions & How To Answer Them

Applying for a job these days is not an easy task. Employers pretty much ask for a well written resume the size of a phone book, the old school one th ...
How To Make Venture Capitalists Interested In Your Startup [Chart]

How To Make Venture Capitalists Interested In Your Startup [Chart]

A decade ago, finding investors and getting a business funded was a whole lot more difficult than it is today. These days, with crowdsourcing sites co ...
Strength Of Currencies Explained With Starbucks Grande Latte [Chart]

Strength Of Currencies Explained With Starbucks Grande Latte [Chart]

When I quickly ran into Starbucks yesterday to get a tall Caramel Macchiato between appointments, I started thinking about how much money I could save ...
MaxCDN Giveaway: 15 Free 1TB Accounts For Bit Rebels Readers

MaxCDN Giveaway: 15 Free 1TB Accounts For Bit Rebels Readers

We're excited to launch our latest giveaway today, and if you are growing a website, you are going to love this one. MaxCDN is giving away 15 1TB acco ...
Should You Accept Your Parent’s Facebook Friend Request? [Flowchart]

Should You Accept Your Parent’s Facebook Friend Request? [Flowchart]

Having a Facebook account has almost become a must today if you want to feel like you are a part of the ever growing worldwide community we all call t ...
Inside The Brain Of An Entrepreneur [Chart]

Inside The Brain Of An Entrepreneur [Chart]

We've written a lot of business articles on Bit Rebels, and although some are written about topics pertaining to a corporate environment, our favorite ...
The Incredible Power Of Video Content [Videographic]

The Incredible Power Of Video Content [Videographic]

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words is video worth? I guess it is somewhat of rhetorical question, but one that is ever so importan ...
Fatherly Skills: How To Play Games With Your Kid [Chart]

Fatherly Skills: How To Play Games With Your Kid [Chart]

Being a father is not the simplest of tasks these days. First we have the old school and narrow-minded people telling us a father is not as important ...
Star Wars Family Tree: Intergalactic Who’s Who In The Universe [Chart]

Star Wars Family Tree: Intergalactic Who’s Who In The Universe [Chart]

It's a rainy, cold, lazy Saturday morning as I'm writing this, and if you are like me, sitting in front of your computer waiting to be entertained by ...
Worldwide Apple Suppliers Interactive Map Shows Where Apple Buys Parts

Worldwide Apple Suppliers Interactive Map Shows Where Apple Buys Parts

Every once in a while, the question of Apple parts comes up. Where do they get all the parts they use for their products, and what countries manufactu ...
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