Search query: infographic

How To: Determine If You Need A Professional Designer

How To: Determine If You Need A Professional Designer

Last weekend when I was on the flight back from Shanghai to Atlanta there was a man sitting across the aisle who started talking to me. He asked me ab ...
World’s Most Popular Superpowers

World’s Most Popular Superpowers

With all the developing going on in the technology arena, and what we have been able to recreate from movies like Star Wars and Star Trek, I keep wond ...
Almost All Social Media Gurus Are Clowns…

Almost All Social Media Gurus Are Clowns…

The title of this article may be quite a sting for some people, especially the social media gurus (or the ones that call themselves that). Whichever w ...
Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About The Nintendo Company

Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About The Nintendo Company

I'm sure you know by now that we love Nintendo on Bit Rebels. We write about it a lot, and we've covered everything from the original NES all the way ...
14 Not So Sweet Facts About Sugar

14 Not So Sweet Facts About Sugar

There has been a lot of controversy about sugar over the past few decades. Among other things, we've heard that eating too much sugar causes diabetes. ...
Current Geosocial Universe: Who’s The Big Dog Now?

Current Geosocial Universe: Who’s The Big Dog Now?

For a while now, the term geosocial has been quite a buzzword in the social media world. If you are unfamiliar with geosocial or the phrase geosocial ...
How To: Get Jersey Shore Hair

How To: Get Jersey Shore Hair

Let me just go ahead right now and place a stupid warning on this article. After all, it's about Jersey Shore. It's the infamous show that everyone wh ...
Periodic Table Of Storytelling: For The Geeky Blogger In You

Periodic Table Of Storytelling: For The Geeky Blogger In You

Warning: Looking at this periodic table will mesmerize you and could cause loss of productivity. If you are at work right now and bored out of your ey ...
The World Is Officially Obsessed With Facebook [Video]

The World Is Officially Obsessed With Facebook [Video]

There seems to be no end to the obsession of Facebook, and the many ways it keeps us glued to the screen are increasing. I don't find it odd that we'r ...
6 Stages Of Movie Geek Evolution

6 Stages Of Movie Geek Evolution

Are you a movie geek? I thought I was a movie geek until I started writing for Bit Rebels. I realize now that I'm a movie lightweight. Here's a good t ...
Name The Flick: 91 Cult Movies On A New York Map

Name The Flick: 91 Cult Movies On A New York Map

I think I have mentioned this before, but New York is one of the most popular sets for movies in the history of Hollywood, or at least it seems that w ...
Brain Food: The Hardest Languages To Learn

Brain Food: The Hardest Languages To Learn

Do you know what the hardest language to learn is? It turns out; the answer to that question depends on what your native language is. If a language is ...
Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps

Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps

I read something the other day that said most people don't understand what global warming is. The phrase itself, "global warming," has been used so mu ...
The Anatomy Of A Cupcake

The Anatomy Of A Cupcake

There are two reasons why I'm writing about this topic today. The first is because I'm craving a cupcake, and since there are none within a ten-mile r ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth

I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
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