Search query: infographic
6 Stages Of Movie Geek Evolution
Are you a movie geek? I thought I was a movie geek until I started writing for Bit Rebels. I realize now that I'm a movie lightweight. Here's a good t ...
Name The Flick: 91 Cult Movies On A New York Map
I think I have mentioned this before, but New York is one of the most popular sets for movies in the history of Hollywood, or at least it seems that w ...
Brain Food: The Hardest Languages To Learn
Do you know what the hardest language to learn is? It turns out; the answer to that question depends on what your native language is. If a language is ...
Combating Global Warming: Simple Action Steps
I read something the other day that said most people don't understand what global warming is. The phrase itself, "global warming," has been used so mu ...
The Anatomy Of A Cupcake
There are two reasons why I'm writing about this topic today. The first is because I'm craving a cupcake, and since there are none within a ten-mile r ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth
I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
Top Grossing Superhero Movies (Some May Surprise You)
Movies about superheroes have always been popular, but lately, it seems like they are becoming a part of our culture. We expect them to come out regul ...
Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue
The talent the girl in this video has with her tongue definitely gets the WTF award of the day. One reason surfing the Internet is so much fun for me ...
Superhero Star Map: New York City Is The Place
Everyone who has been to Hollywood in Los Angeles knows that you can drive around in Beverly Hills and Bel Air and look at famous people's houses. Wha ...
Over Or Under: The Great Toilet Paper Dispute
When you think of the biggest toilet paper debate, you probably think of something worthwhile like the debate about whether or not it's important to u ...
Environment: Mushrooms Break Down Disposable Diapers
When I was researching this topic today, I couldn't help but think of a recent article Richard wrote called Gross Foods That You Want To Eat Anyway. I ...
20 Facts About YouTube You Probably Didn’t Know
Everyone who is reading this, I am sure, has at some point viewed a clip on YouTube and laughed their brains out. The idea behind it was initially as ...
Geektastic: Star Wars Episode V Retold In Icons
As you surely know by now, we looooove Star Wars and Star Trek on Bit Rebels. We've seen so many fabulous designs and unique ways that fans, artists, ...
20 Bedtime Snacks To Help Make You Sleepy
I read today that 70% of people have sleep problems. That number seems high to me; however, since high-stress lifestyles including crazy work schedule ...
2011 Insane Mobile Marketing Facts & Trends
It seems like the two hottest buzzwords right now are "mobile marketing." Everyone is talking about it, and new articles are circulating on social med ...