Search query: infographic

Top Grossing Superhero Movies (Some May Surprise You)

Top Grossing Superhero Movies (Some May Surprise You)

Movies about superheroes have always been popular, but lately, it seems like they are becoming a part of our culture. We expect them to come out regul ...
Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue

Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue

The talent the girl in this video has with her tongue definitely gets the WTF award of the day. One reason surfing the Internet is so much fun for me ...
Superhero Star Map: New York City Is The Place

Superhero Star Map: New York City Is The Place

Everyone who has been to Hollywood in Los Angeles knows that you can drive around in Beverly Hills and Bel Air and look at famous people's houses. Wha ...
Over Or Under: The Great Toilet Paper Dispute

Over Or Under: The Great Toilet Paper Dispute

When you think of the biggest toilet paper debate, you probably think of something worthwhile like the debate about whether or not it's important to u ...
Environment: Mushrooms Break Down Disposable Diapers

Environment: Mushrooms Break Down Disposable Diapers

When I was researching this topic today, I couldn't help but think of a recent article Richard wrote called Gross Foods That You Want To Eat Anyway. I ...
20 Facts About YouTube You Probably Didn’t Know

20 Facts About YouTube You Probably Didn’t Know

Everyone who is reading this, I am sure, has at some point viewed a clip on YouTube and laughed their brains out. The idea behind it was initially as ...
Geektastic: Star Wars Episode V Retold In Icons

Geektastic: Star Wars Episode V Retold In Icons

As you surely know by now, we looooove Star Wars and Star Trek on Bit Rebels. We've seen so many fabulous designs and unique ways that fans, artists, ...
20 Bedtime Snacks To Help Make You Sleepy

20 Bedtime Snacks To Help Make You Sleepy

I read today that 70% of people have sleep problems. That number seems high to me; however, since high-stress lifestyles including crazy work schedule ...
2011 Insane Mobile Marketing Facts & Trends

2011 Insane Mobile Marketing Facts & Trends

It seems like the two hottest buzzwords right now are "mobile marketing." Everyone is talking about it, and new articles are circulating on social med ...
8 Snarky Song Charts Cleverly Illustrated

8 Snarky Song Charts Cleverly Illustrated

As we all know, one of the most popular ways to share information online right now is through infographics. This trend started a few years ago, and ri ...
Fully Functional Paper Origami Cell Phone Design

Fully Functional Paper Origami Cell Phone Design

It's funny how we go on and on about what tomorrow will hold as far as technology. We try to predict it with infographics or try to make top 100 lists ...
Top 10 Countries With Internet & What They Search For

Top 10 Countries With Internet & What They Search For

To make a list of the top countries on the Internet isn't the most complicated of tasks since it pretty much just involves checking the size of the po ...
Superpowers Mega Chart: They Are ALL Here

Superpowers Mega Chart: They Are ALL Here

It seems to be one of those days when everything we are writing about is on one single subject. I'll see if I can switch it up a little on my next art ...
Dodging The Fail Whale: A Downtime Survival Guide

Dodging The Fail Whale: A Downtime Survival Guide

Here at Bit Rebels, we're experiencing quite an increase in traffic each day. With that comes developing the site and handling the optimization to acc ...
How Online Advertisers Find You: From Ad Agency To Your Website

How Online Advertisers Find You: From Ad Agency To Your Website

When starting a website, you have a few choices for how you set things up. You can go for a model where you sell stuff, or maybe you have your readers ...
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