Search query: iphone

The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions [Chart]

The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions [Chart]

I know this chart wasn't originally created to be funny, but it's definitely a funny topic for me. I have a hard time managing my distractions during ...
13 Company Logos & Slogans Redesigned As Condoms

13 Company Logos & Slogans Redesigned As Condoms

Condoms make me laugh in an "I'm in sixth grade, and I have a lame joke to tell you" kind of way. It's not that they are really funny, but I giggle ev ...
1962 vs. 2011: The Price Tag On Living Life

1962 vs. 2011: The Price Tag On Living Life

People are always comparing Microsoft with Apple. We even do it a lot on this blog. It's just such a great story. It's like watching a movie play out ...
College Students & Technology: A Sign Of The Times

College Students & Technology: A Sign Of The Times

Over the past few months, there has been some interesting information released regarding students and how they use social media and technology in gene ...
The Mac Daddy Collection Of Apple Logo Tattoos [20 Pics]

The Mac Daddy Collection Of Apple Logo Tattoos [20 Pics]

We write about tattoos a lot on Bit Rebels. It's pretty funny when I think about it because I don't even have any tattoos. I've been talking about get ...
Smartphone Mania: The New Workforce [Infographic]

Smartphone Mania: The New Workforce [Infographic]

I started thinking about how many cell phones I have gone through since I first started using them, and I unfortunately lost count. Yeah, not that I h ...
You’ll Never Guess What We’ll Give Up For Our Smartphones!

You’ll Never Guess What We’ll Give Up For Our Smartphones!

Wow, this is a sensitive subject, isn't it? Nobody wants to admit they would pick their smartphone over some of life's sweetest pleasures if they had ...
Technological Revolution: What & Where It Is [Infographic]

Technological Revolution: What & Where It Is [Infographic]

Ever since I was a kid, I have been insanely inspired by gadgets. It's like a fix I get when I get to try out something entirely new or when some new ...
If Social Media Sites Were Real Addictions [Chart]

If Social Media Sites Were Real Addictions [Chart]

We often hear people joke around that they are addicted to their social media sites. To those of us who hear that everyday (because we ourselves are a ...
Baand Remote: Next Gen Remote Control Is Here

Baand Remote: Next Gen Remote Control Is Here

It's hard to think that the remote control could be anything other than just a piece of plastic with a bunch of buttons on it. There have been some de ...
The Angry Boobs Bra: For Ultimate Angry Birds Fans

The Angry Boobs Bra: For Ultimate Angry Birds Fans

The funniest part of this Angry Birds bra isn't the bra itself, but what the site Fashionably Geek said about it. I'm still laughing. They wrote, "If ...
Cell Phone Wiretapping: Mobile Security Explained [Infographic]

Cell Phone Wiretapping: Mobile Security Explained [Infographic]

Ever since the first mobile phone surfaced on the market, celebrities around the world have been seen on their phones texting while driving, screaming ...
Mad Japanese Music Video Uses 250 Canon 60D DLSR Cameras

Mad Japanese Music Video Uses 250 Canon 60D DLSR Cameras

I usually don't get impressed by technology anymore. There's a simple reason for that, and it has to do with the fact that we get to see a lot of weir ...
The Complete Android History Timeline [Infographic]

The Complete Android History Timeline [Infographic]

I can't say that I am very knowledgeable when it comes to the Android market or the things around it like the operating system and the application dev ...
The ONE Reason To Be On Google+!

The ONE Reason To Be On Google+!

Yes, I am on it! I was pleasantly surprised to be contacted by @Iconic88 on Twitter through Empire Avenue that he had an invite for the Google+ beta i ...
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