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Worldometers: World Statistics Updated In Real Time!
To my co-workers annoyance sometimes, I am an incurable statistics fanatic. Everything I do is presented in statistics in order for my brain to be abl ...
Recycled Soda Bottles Make For A Stunning Christmas Tree!
In just a few weeks, Santa will take his bag of presents and begin his journey to the houses around the world to grant the wishes of everyone that has ...
Used Computer Parts Become Realistic Vehicles
Being a computer geek, I have tons of used hard drives, mice and other items all connected to a computer. Due to the fact the upgrades are always inc ...
Christmas By The Book: A Tree Created Entirely Out Of Books
Christmas has always come in ever changing packaging, even though the message stays the same. Lately, the colors of Christmas have changed slightly a ...
Photography: X-Ray Technology Turned Into Art
X-ray photography is so cool, isn't it? The society we live in is very image oriented, but looking at an x-ray takes us behind that image. It takes ...
A Fascinating Stop Motion That Tracks Human Growth
In case you are unfamiliar with what stop motion is, it's an animation technique where you take individual photographs and put them together to make a ...
Sesame Street: You’ve Never Seen Bert & Ernie Like This!
Sesame Street was such a huge part of my life when I was in elementary school. It's hard to believe that show started in 1969, and it's still broadca ...
Ho Ho Ho: The Ultimately Geeky Holiday Wreath!
I always have a wreath on my front door this time of year. I'm lucky because I never really had to learn how to make them. My mother loves to make f ...
Love Your Street: Recycled Paper Puts Love On A Wall
Far too many times, no matter where I go, I see streets so lifeless and out of sync with today's highly spiritual and technological climate. It's lik ...
Jump-Start CARD: Borrow Power From Another Cell Phone Or Device
Being out in the field and constantly working on your cell phone, or any other mobile device, certainly has its positive and negative sides. You get ...
Design Inspiration: The Lego Headquarters In Russia
As you probably know, Richard, Misty and I all live in different countries. Even though we work well together through emails, Skype and direct messag ...
Eating Disorders: The Painful Truth Drawn In Colored Pencils
This artist's work struck a chord with me because I'm personally very close to someone that is struggling with an eating disorder. It's not as uncomm ...
How To: Leave A Time Capsule For Future Generations
Wouldn't it be cool to leave a time capsule in your house when you move? Someday someone would find it and get a glimpse into that moment in time whe ...
The Increasing Importance Of Optimizing Your Blog’s Images
Bandwidth consumption is a common problem for large websites attracting a large number of visitors. Whenever you experience a site that used to be fa ...
Teva High Heels: Climb That Mountain In Style!
Well hallelujah! What took so long for someone to design this? You are familiar with Teva shoes, right? Where I live, we refer to them simply as "Te ...