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Beware – This Is The Meanest Scale In The Whole World

Beware – This Is The Meanest Scale In The Whole World

I haven't had a scale in my house for a long time. I finally decided a while back that I wasn't going to be a slave to it anymore, and I threw it in ...
Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

For some people, collecting old magazines is a serious hobby. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George's father collected TV Guides. I don ...
The 24ct Gold Apple iPad – For The Sophisticated Geek

The 24ct Gold Apple iPad – For The Sophisticated Geek

We all kinda knew this was coming, right? Funny, I'm not much of a gold girl. I prefer silver and platinum. This iPad looks a little gaudy to me. ...
Is This The True Origin Of Pong, Tetris And Arkanoid?

Is This The True Origin Of Pong, Tetris And Arkanoid?

I don't think anyone out there who is moderately interested in video games doesn't know about Pong, Tetris, Arkanoid, Super Mario and Sonic. They are ...
Discovered Under Sheep Dung – The World’s Oldest Shoe!

Discovered Under Sheep Dung – The World’s Oldest Shoe!

Did you see it on the news yesterday? It's being reported everywhere, and of course, it's so bizarrely interesting, it also deserves a place on Bit R ...
The Most Magical Paper Craft Castle In The World

The Most Magical Paper Craft Castle In The World

We have featured a lot of paper craft art on Bit Rebels lately. As paper craft becomes more and more popular, we continue to see people push the limi ...
The Most Thrilling Free Dive You’ll Ever See

The Most Thrilling Free Dive You’ll Ever See

I haven't been putting many videos in my articles lately. The reason is because I've become somewhat of a video snob. It has to be a really, really ...
Social Media Explained In 2 Minutes (10 Key Facts)

Social Media Explained In 2 Minutes (10 Key Facts)

Social media is in the limelight and the topic of conversation in your office and with your friends. You can read about it everywhere. However, ther ...
You Don’t Want This Bug In Your System!

You Don’t Want This Bug In Your System!

Bugs... not only are they insects that pest our gardens, houses and lives, but they are also a common occurrence in a programmer's life. New code is ...
Lego Printer – Simply Amazing!

Lego Printer – Simply Amazing!

LEGO is a brand that I grew up loving. The colorful bricks are a way for many people to unleash their creativity. It may be a very simple toy, but i ...
Be a DJ at the Hottest Club on FaceBook!

Be a DJ at the Hottest Club on FaceBook!

FaceBook is still growing in the number of users despite the controversy over their privacy policy. There are a lot of fun things you can do on the s ...
6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

It is very difficult for me to write this article. I'm going to do it anyway because I think by sharing my experience; it might be helpful to someone ...

7 Reasons Why Your Social Media Campaign Is Failing

Social media is a buzz word nowadays. So many people are trying to find ways to leverage their brand's presence and reach a larger audience. Just li ...
A Gigantic Spider Web Made From Tape – Creative Inspiration

A Gigantic Spider Web Made From Tape – Creative Inspiration

Yes, you read that title correctly. This team of designers used only packing tape to create this huge spider web, which they called "self-supporting ...
Do I Look Nerdy or Geeky Enough For Ya?

Do I Look Nerdy or Geeky Enough For Ya?

People dress differently whether they are going to work or out to play. For us in the office, we are fortunate enough to wear anything we like, as lo ...
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