Search query: job

Fail Your Way To Success: 5 Inspiring Examples

Fail Your Way To Success: 5 Inspiring Examples

Everyone in life faces failures ever now and then. It's part of being alive and being human. However, I know from experience, when we are actually goi ...
The Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

The Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

Messing around in WordPress is a pure knowledge thing. It really has nothing to do with skill since all you really have to do is learn what all the di ...

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 3]

The last part of this micro series is dedicated to the monitoring of your recruiting campaign and what the applicants are saying about your company an ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

As anyone might understand, recruiting new talent to your company is a science and a lot of attention to detail is needed in order to find the perfect ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]

It seems social media is becoming a truly powerful tool when it comes to finding new talent for companies around the world. A couple of years ago I wr ...
The World’s Most Elaborate Lego Build Is Pushing Balls

The World’s Most Elaborate Lego Build Is Pushing Balls

Not too long ago, I wrote about how Lego builds are becoming extremely elaborate and complex; therefore, some pioneers are redefining the art of Lego ...
Top 10 Tech Companies: Revenue And Expenses [Infographic]

Top 10 Tech Companies: Revenue And Expenses [Infographic]

In a world where most companies are trying to recover from the economic recession, there are a few that are still living the high life when it comes t ...
New Study Shows Most Americans Are Unhappy [Infographic]

New Study Shows Most Americans Are Unhappy [Infographic]

This is sad to me. Actually, I think it's the definition of sad. I live in America, and I'm happy. Do you live here? Are you happy? I guess when I pon ...
Inspiration: Students Transform Mailboxes Into Art Pieces

Inspiration: Students Transform Mailboxes Into Art Pieces

I love it when I see schools and universities go out of their way to make learning fun and interactive for their students. Sometimes this happens in w ...
Working From Home: Facts vs. Fiction [Infographic]

Working From Home: Facts vs. Fiction [Infographic]

I work from home, and I have for so long that I don't know what it would be like to drive to an office each day. Most of my friends; however, still do ...
The Costs Associated With Buying New Technology

The Costs Associated With Buying New Technology

After having a few generations of Android phones and pushing their geeky capabilities as far as I could, I bought a Verizon iPhone 4 the day they were ...
Charlie Sheen’s Winning Recipes: It’s Complicated

Charlie Sheen’s Winning Recipes: It’s Complicated

Ahh... Charlie Sheen. He has become the person we love to rag on for the moment. And to think for all these years I didn't know he was the wacko one. ...
iPad 2 vs. The Competition: Specs Compared [Infographic]

iPad 2 vs. The Competition: Specs Compared [Infographic]

So the time has finally come. The iPad 2 will certainly be a hot product in the tablet market. Of course, the competitors are already making all kinds ...
Auto Ink: The Wacky Automatic Tattooing Machine

Auto Ink: The Wacky Automatic Tattooing Machine

Aww... what a wonderful invention. Now the next time we have a party at home and all get drunk and decide it's time for tattoos, we don't even have t ...
A Game Boy iPad 2 Cover For Retro Gaming Geeks

A Game Boy iPad 2 Cover For Retro Gaming Geeks

It seems like everything Apple produces is sleek and beautiful. That company inspires everyone from designers to developers to ordinary people. They ...
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